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"Chores" and why they are important

Cover1W's picture

Apparently, many of us are dealing with toddler-level competance even with skids MUCH, MUCH older...

I love the 6 - 11 yo list. LOL. Yeah, right.

In the recent past I'd give DP a copy of this. Now, nope. Not holding my breath.


Ninji's picture

My SKids have clear chores that they must do every weekend. Whether or not it's enforced, depends on SO's mood. Some weekends his "Disney dad" is really shining through and I'm a horrible evil "you hate my kids" SM for making them do their own laundry or rinse their plates.

This past weekend I had Skids pulling weeds from the driveway. Should have been a 5min job. SD did great but SS whined the ENTIRE time. After 10minutes I told SD she helped a lot and she was done. SS had to finish the rest. (SS does this to SD all the time. He will stand around and whine while SD does all the work) After another 10 minutes SO asked me how much longer SS "had to stay outside"....until all the weeds are pulled. Hello, not a lot of weeds in the driveway. If SS could shut up for 5minutes and work, he'd be done. Oh, and then SO had to bring SS food because he was just dying being outside pulling weeds.....Poor Poor SS

Cover1W's picture

I liked it. It says pretty much what I've talked about with DP before. He's read some stuff like this too but nothing ever happens to change anything. I cannot be the one to make sure basic tasks are done by SDs because DP gets all protective of them.

He's only now starting to realize how hard he works every time they are over, because I've totally disengaged from anything that may resemble a "chore" with them.

...I'm waiting to see how long it takes before the rotten food in the tupperware left by SD11 on Wednesday of last week gets taken care of...still not cleaned out. DP told me specifically not to do it b/c I'll get mad otherwise (dammed right) and that he'll take care of it. My internal response is no, SD11 should take care of it...(but the horror of her having to clean up after herself!!)