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Ss acting out

Mad Hatter's picture

I know I'm about to state the obvious and preach to the choir both at the same time, but I'm going to say it anyway. Having a blended family & trying to raise step children is hard, especially the older they get. Bm up and decided to move & enrolled ss12 & sd6 into a new school district & didn't bother to tell dh & I until AFTER the fact. Since then we have taken her to court & the children were ordered back to their original school district & her intent to relocate was denied by the judge. So basically the kids were ripped out of school in the middle of the year & put into a new school. Then ripped out of that school a month & a half later & put back in their original school. Pretty much ever since, ss has been acting out in class & getting in trouble for misbehavior & lying to us about homework. He says he hates school & his bm told him that since she is home all day that he can take online classes & stay home with her. Bm is extremely manipulative and self centered. The only time she honestly cares about her kids is when it benefits her in some way. I believe that bm told him that & may be encouraging him to act out in class. I seriously would not put this past her. Dh is trying his best to get ss to understand that how he's behaving is disrespectful and just plain wrong but he says he doesn't care. Dh is currently looking into getting him into counseling. Other than that, do y'all have any ideas how we can get him to stop this behavior before he gets himself kicked out of school?


Mad Hatter's picture

Dh & bm barely communicate as it is, there's no way he will call her out on it & frankly, it wouldn't make a difference if he did. She is an expert at lying & manipulation. She would deny it & turn it around & blame dh while yelling & belittling him. Believe me, I've seen it happen too many times. And then she would sit back & enjoy the confirmation that ss is doing exactly what she wants.

I'm encouraging dh to sit down with his principal & explain more in depth what exactly the situation is for ss. I hadn't thought about having them both sit down with the principal or some other official to explain where is behavior is leading. That's a great idea, thank you! Maybe hearing it from someone else other than dad would help.

If/when bm finds out he is in counseling I'm sure she will attempt to hijack that process but I'm really praying that doesn't happen.

Thanks for the comments.