Thankyou Note from SD!
Yesterday I got a thank you letter from SD17. Geez I had no idea teens still knew they could but things in a mailbox. I have Never gotten anything from her before. It was thanking me for pushing her to take a particular course at a vocational school. She loves it and is top in her class. DH acted happy that she sent it, but just now I get a text from him that BM is upset about it. Well how the hell did she know I even got a letter. DH has not responded, but I swear if he discussed this with her I am going to rip him a new one! And why the hell would he ever think it matters to me if she is upset. I hope he works late tonight! I really rather not hash this out.
DH just responded that he
DH just responded that he doesn't know how she found out. WTH?
Maybe SD told her Mom?
Maybe SD told her Mom?
Way to ruin a beautiful
Way to ruin a beautiful moment! Argh. Dear DH of Patsy: It is so difficult to have these little positive moments, please don't take them away too. BM sounds just like the other acronym for "BM". Forget her, and if DH is stirring up drama unnecessarily (whether it was intentional or not) forget them both. Revel in peace between you and SD. That is awesome!! Cheers to both of you!
I was truly happy until I
I was truly happy until I found this out. I think I would feel better about it in some way if it was DH who told her. At least I would know that thank you from SD was sincere. UGHH is all I can say!
So either SD told her BM or
So either SD told her BM or BM told her to send it just so she would have a reason to call my DH. I was actually happy that she sent it now I know better.
She is a POS! Sorry I am
She is a POS! Sorry I am tires of seeing her side of things and being nice about it. I just can't stand the woman! I have refrained from giving her a nickname I am open for suggestions!
AHHH! another text SD is
AHHH! :jawdrop: another text SD is coming over tomorrow. I have plans so I am sure SD and DH are going to be upset that I am not there to be the buffer. My day was going so well until now.
Ignore the bullshit for a
Ignore the bullshit for a moment. She wrote you a thank you note-- you made a serious impact in a good way in this kids life, and she is happy about it, and thankful.
Screw BM and if that upsets her, Screw your DH for making it into something else. Be happy about this, you did good stepmom, and you deserve a thank you.
This is bullshit. What kind
This is bullshit. What kind of mother is pissed because her daughter has some manners and shows some appreciation to someone who helped her.
Maybe SD told her, thinking she would let her mother know that she is growing up and is a good person or whatever.
Don't over analyze it and don't let BM ruin it for you. And your husband should have just put BM in her place and kept that to himself.
I enjoyed my evening. I just
I enjoyed my evening. I just brushed it off. I did however display the thank you card on the mantel! LOL. I know it gets to my DH in some way that she sent this to me. Who knows what he even said to BM. I didn't even care to ask. Everyone is right it is a thank you note. I am just going to be tickled pink over it and let everyone else kiss my patootie!
You should be! For all you
You should be!
For all you know DH got jealous & called BM like "can you believe DD sent Pasty a thank you note? She has never sent one to me, how about you?"
I would file for divorce if I
I would file for divorce if I ever found out he said something like that!