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Lulu90's Blog

Update on SS School

Lulu90's picture

His teacher emailed.

He was somewhat better today. But is going out of his way to tease and be mean to some students. A group of girls have decided not to play with him anymore because he has been mean to them so now he is being meaner to them. His teacher said "I reminded (SS) that people want to spend time with those that are kind and nice to them. Sigh… I will continue to work with (SS) after the break."

Umm I found the sigh part rude

SS7 School issues

Lulu90's picture

I am annoyed with SS7 and his teacher.

First his teacher, until 3 weeks ago she did not tell BM or DH that SS7 has been horrible in class. We found out at the parent teacher conference. We asked for weekly emails the teacher said she doesn't do that. (mentally I am like then how can we support you if you won't talk to us) Well recently it has been worse so BM asked for daily emails. Guess what now we are getting daily emails. Well now SS7 is out of control in class. If his teacher would have talked to us months ago the problem wouldn't be happening.

SS7 saying BS2 is the reason he misbehaves at school

Lulu90's picture

I am pissed SS7 told his teacher he couldn't behave because BS2 kept waking him up at night.

1. BS2 sleeps thru the night.
2. THe have seprate rooms and don't even share a wall
3. SS7 can shut his door at anytime

Looks like SS must sleep with his door closed now.

Also, BM for some reaon keeps bringing up BS2 not sleeping (he sleeps) as well as randomly claiming he got SS7 sick. Umm I think the kid in school is more lickly to get the kid that stays home (no daycare) sick. Especially when SS is sick first.