Are we unreasonable??...............
Things have been quite until lately. You can see past comments for more info but DH & I were awarded custody in August of SS16 and SD8. First off, (pat my back) SD8 made honor roll and perfect attendance for the 1st time ever!! She failed kindergarten and almost failed 1st grade. In 3 months with us she has gone from failing to honor roll. Good for her!! Wonder what BM thinks about that? I went to lunch the other day with SD and one of the parents started telling me how BM and the cafeteria coordinator do not like each other. And BM got into it with him and went to the principal and complained on him. He has been there forever. BM got kicked out of visiting the school. We thought it was when we got the custody order in and gave them a copy but I now think it has more to do with BM causing scenes at school. Of course, BM is telling everyone WE got her kicked out. Now, tell me if I am being too difficult or mean and don’t realize it. So, go back a week or so ago. SD had visitation with BM on Fri, Sat, and Sun. Monday there’s a cheer game and BM saw SD then too. Tues BM calls and says she needs to talk to SD. Well, we don’t jump when BM beckons. We let SD ask to call her BM and then we let her (usually anywhere from 2-4 times a week). Then Wed BM calls again. SD didn’t ask to call BM Tues or Wed. Thurs. I took SD to her 1st Girl Scouts meeting and she called her BM that night. BM wanted to tell SD that she’s getting a puppy on Fri. I mean how cruel to do that to an 8 year old when they won’t be there for another week. Fri SD wants to call BM to see if she got puppy and tells me when she’s off the phone…BM went to a bakery and she’s going to come by on tomorrow and drop off a bagel for me at the door. We had a party to go to that afternoon. GRRRRRR…. Sat SD calls her BM and she comes over. The next thing I know is SD is coming to me saying “I don’t want to do to the party anymore. I want to play with the puppy and mom said it’s ok if I stay with her while you go to the party.” What excuse me, no you are going with us. Sun SD calls her BM and asks her to go to the girl scouts meeting. What!?!? I’m sorry no way. I’m not signing her up for this so it can be a visitation time. That is what happened at cheerleading. SD would sit in her BM lap for half the game and practices and not participate. So we told SD that when she is with us we will go with her to do things and when she is with her BM she will do them with her. Then we all get to do things with her. BM sent a text asking when and where the meetings are. I replied,”The Girl Scout meetings do not fall on your visitation. SD is aware. When it is on your time you can take her. There is a sleepover this weekend if you want her to go.” BM talks to SD after that. She got SD upset because she wouldn’t name the puppy what SD wanted and then BM tells SD when you move back home you can name a puppy. SD said mom that is impossible. Then BM starting texting DH and I. We are only hurting SD blah blah blah. I thought we were pretty reasonable. We didn’t say BM can’t be included. Just that she can do the things when it is her time with SD. Keep in mind she doesn’t have custody or joint only visitation rights. I think we are fair. Any comments?? Sorry so long had to get it out all at once.
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I think it sounds completely
I think it sounds completely fair and BM is trying to manipulate the heck out of you and SD. Sounds like she is trying to wedge a hole between you and SD and get her SD to PAS out against you guys. What you did is fair in every way. My EH and I get along for the most part - we do not have the same issues but I stand firmly in the same way. He knows when Baseball practice is but he doesnt come on my days and I dont on his. We do both attend games but that is for the benefit of my kids. Hang in there.
What a B*****! She got the
What a B*****! She got the puppy for just this reason... to try and get SD back. In the long run it would not work but SD is to liitle to understand that.
Stick to what you are doing, you are handling it well.
I think we have to keep in
I think we have to keep in mind how our own DHs feel when they are relegated to "visits" with their children only. I know my DH has a clause in his CO that any public functions his girls participate in, he has just as much right to attend. He can also visit their schools during the day and have lunch with them if he choses. I think it becomes a control issue instead of what is in the best interest of the kids. My H had that put in during the last go around because his x kept trying to stop him from seeing his kids or participating in their lives.
I can certainly understand the party thing because BM went through the kid to try to get her way instead of discussing any changes between the adults, but I can't understand the girl scout meetings especially if you guys were going to drop SD off or allowing her telephone contact with the child once a day unless the child is not available.
I agree that if they are not
I agree that if they are not going to attend the GScout function then they should text BM to let her know.
They do allow her contact, I think, they just tell SD and leave it up to her to call back (no reminders).