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livinthedream's Blog

DH to visit SD in college-but we cant afford it

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Ive been cutting every corner around here financially & DH tells me he's going 3 states away to see SD for the weekend. He tells me its ok relax.Im starting to realize that here I am living on this budget & he is doing the exact opposite. Im looking at the silver lining in all of this...he will be out of my hair that entire weekend & so will his kids!!!

The weekend visitation that lasted a week!

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We went on a week long vacation just the two of us & the minute we get back SS has to come over for his weekend. First I was asked for it to be extended & then another extension & on the second extension I asked BF if he would take him home Friday to have the weekend to ourselves.I was lied to & then my home turns into a warcamp. I went out with friends all weekend & enjoyed myself.Yesterday I come home to an apology & flowers & kisses & BF wants to makeup.Im not into that makeup stuff.Treat me right or forget it.

The one & only summerweek for SS is almost over!!

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I cant begin to tell you how spoiled rotten this teenager is. Everything & anything he wants he gets including going to a big waterpark twice this week..even tho DH was working this whole week. I figured out why DH spoils him rotten. BM kept calling every hour wanting SS returned home. DH spoils him to make sure he will want to stay here instead of go back to BM. This way DH proves to BM he is not such a bad guy afterall. I kept up with my life doin all the things that I need to do for myself this week.

Summer week-DH is paying for SS groceries

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I just got done telling DH that he will be buying the extra groceries for SS..who eats big meals every 2 hours. I am glad he is not going out to eat,BUT I am not paying for this extra added expense. Plus SS is inviting kids from the neighborhood to eat over & I am not feeding all these people. DH was like what?? I told him that this was his choice not mine

Reminded DH this is my weekend!

livinthedream's picture

I think Im goin to put on the calendar that this is my weekend. Do any of you get the cold treatment when sk's are visiting? When the sk's arent around suddenly DH picks up his handy dandy Raggedy Ann doll & decides its my weekend with my wife?? Last night, I let him know that I felt so priveledged & lucky to be "the one" who is chosen to go out to eat with him and go out with. DH said thats not sexy. I told him that it may not be sexy,but its the TRUTH!

To thine own self be true.......

Do you have ur own checking account so that your not paying CS??

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I am interested to know if there are any other SM's out there who refuse to have their $$ put into DH checking account? Ive had my own checking & savings accounts from day one. I simply refuse to have my $$ used for CS or all the other Disney Dad expenditures. Whats mine is mine,but whats his is mine too! That is the golden rule of marriage, right??

What to do when DH is spending $$ on SK's dinners out

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I have always fought and been frustrated at the $$ DH spends on taking SK's out for lunches & dinners. We have discussed it sooo many times. Ive asked him to keep it at fast food joints, but he contined over the years to go to big $$ places. Recently, I started spending large sums of DH money on household expenses if I saw that he went out yet again & spent $$ on SK's dinners or department store expenditures. Keeping in mind that DH has a big CS payment every month!!! This new strategy of mine is working - plus I am getting stuff for the house too!
