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Peace and quiet!!!

livingontheedge's picture

My house has been peaceful for the last week. Boyfriend and I had a HUGE arguement about SS20 laying around all day and all night about a week about and the following day SS20 left to go to his girlfriend's house for the weekend. He has been gone ever since. It has been wonderful, I feel such relief when he is not there!!! However, on the other hand I am a upset that he has been gone now for a week and that is a week away from him looking for a job!!! Not really sure that he ever really was looking though.

Boyfriend and I have had the normal arguments, we are just naturally argumentative!!! But nothing like we do when SS20 is there and I am feeling frustrated due to his laziness.

It has been nice, but all good things come to an end and I am sure he will be back this weekend, dirting dishes which he doesnt clean, eating food which he leaves out, smoking cigarettes and leaving the butts all over our front lawn, talking on the phone, playing video games all day and all know the normal stuff 20 year old MEN do...(can you hear the sarcasm).


Endora's picture

Enjoy the peace while you can-take the moments when they happen!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

livingontheedge's picture

Thanks Endora, you are so right!

sarahbernheart's picture

when FSS Unibomber moved out it was so blissful (imagine me running around with ribbon flying behind me with little fairy wings and ballerina shoes)
then FSS showed up bam little fairy runs into a brick wall.
but he was gone again and out came the wings..
enjoy it while you can.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."