It's Been One Week...
Since her car broke down.
Called DH, asking for a hand out.
Five days since the first update,
Saying it was more broke than they could anticipate.
Three days of complete silence,
Still wasn't fixed, but there's nothing that we can do.
Yesterday, she just called DH,
Said it'll still be two days and she's really sorry.
Sing along, folks, to the tune of Barenaked Ladies' "One Week"!
BM's car is still broken. YSS is still with us. BM apparently has a new job. Same thing, different year.
- lieutenant_dad's blog
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It is so tiresome with this indefinite stuff. I guess BM is having money issues? Im trying to have pity for her but I keep thonking about that saying where "your lack of planning doesnt make it my emergency".
BM is always having money
BM is always having money issues, and it is extraordinarily tiresome. I'd be far less aggravated if she had been working. However, when you are sitting on your arse all day at home while everyone else around you is working and having to do the parenting because you don't have the means to even as CP, it's nothing but anger and frustration.
Our BM didn't work, either
I totally get it. Our BM didn't work, either. Constant money emergencies, car issues, tucking unpaid utility bills in the kid's bags, prompting them with her sad stories. My DH paid way over and above the CS and on top of that, they were with us so much! The funny thing is, after they all came to live here full time and their house was sold, I thought, ok, now she has a clean start-no kids and a hunk in the bank, she can start fresh, get a job, get straightened out. Wrong. She got an apartment, ran thru the $ and no job! Her boyfriend took her in but we would hear about the money fights. They eventually got married but we would still hear about the $ issues. I realize where SD58 got her warped money ideas, right from BM. Sigh...