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Are you effing kidding me?!

lieutenant_dad's picture

Was going to respond to my last blog, but might as well start a new one because I forgot how much ET trying to play "good GF" in a new relationship boils my blood.

DH gets a call from ET last night asking if YSS was coming over for his regularly-scheduled weekend with her or if they were changing weekends due to winter break. DH says he didn't know when all our family shenanigans were because we had scheduled around switching weekends/weeks with ET (which she was cool with).

Welp, apparently her BF's kids are having a birthday party during her normally-scheduled weekend and she wants YSS to come (and I would assume OSS, too, since he'd also be home). And this isn't just cake and pizza at home; this is at a kids' entertainment venue.

So let me get this straight, ET. You can't keep a roof over your own head in your own kid's school district, forcing him to move mid-year. Can't be bothered to even ask about how therapy was going. Can't be bothered to even buy his a FRACKING TOOTHBRUSH for your own house. But sure, go play Mommy to two new kids so you can repeat the cycle of sh*tty parenting.

The irony of all ironies with this, too, is that she was SO FRACKING MAD when I came into the picture. She has HATED my involvement and relationship with the boys. But when it's her, all of a sudden being an active SP is okay.

This is going to be a rocky few months if she keeps up with this BS.


tog redux's picture

Gotta play MOTY until her new victim is hooked. I'm sure he's been told some sob story about how you and DH stole custody of YSS. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I think the sob story probably has more to do with her STBXH#3, like he didn't want her to work but couldn't pay their bills so she had to give up custody. Eventually she'll turn on DH, but I think she's going to hold out until he modifies the CO. Then she'll cry about how he's a bully taking away her tiny bit of CS and how ever will she be able to take care of YSS on her time without that money, and DH has so much so why does he need more?!?!

No matter what the story is, though, there is likely a story. There always is.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

These women - and I use the term usely - are festering pieces of fecal matter who should have been born sterile. As much as I love and enjoy my skids (now), BioHo is another who should never had children. Gaaaaaaaahhhh...

JRI's picture

It is all image control.  You disturb the image of her as MOTY.

CLove's picture

Yup. She needs to hook this guy hard, first with MOTY act and then victimology. Toxic Troll did that too. And then, your DH and you will get to hear how bad you are for this that and the other thing. I recall one fun day when TT then boyfriend was on the phone telling Husband how hes a bad father because he wasnt going to pay money towards braces for Feral Forger then 16-17. Which were for cosmetic purposes.

Fun times ahead.

Ispofacto's picture



Exjuliemccoy's picture

Lt, I officially hate that pos for you. 

To paraphrase what Beth Dutton said on Yellowstone, I hope she gets ass cancer.

MissK03's picture

Does her soon to be ex husband have kids? I couldn't remember... I'm assuming that people with kids she dates doesn't last long..

Gotta put on that image... MOTY!!