How do I deal with sd lying?
Please help me out here! My sd7 just told my H that I called her a bitch which is obviously a lie. He asked he many times if she was telling the truth and she said yes and he believes her 100%
I feel very hurt that he thinks that would say to her, he is even talking about a divorce and we haven't been married for a year. I feel betrayed, disappointed and lost and I don't know how to deal with it or how to make him believe me.
- Leeann's blog
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I sympathise with how you
I sympathise with how you must feel. Your husband has shown you this side of his character (that he will put his kid's word over yours - and a 7 year old's at that!)and that does not bode well for the future. IMO your best bet is counselling for the two of you, otherwise you might be better off cutting your losses now before things get worse. If he is this dramatic over this incident, what else is in store?
Did you tell him how you feel (betrayed, disappointed, hurt that he would think you would do such a thing) etc? If you tell him that and he doesn't acknowledge it, then do you want to be married to someone like that?
I don't have any advice, but
I don't have any advice, but if you find a solution let me know! SS13 lies constantly. He tells BM & Step-dad lies about my DH & I and our home. He tells us lies about them & their home. For awhile we believed him. We then all discovered he's just trying to manipulate all of us. He told them lies about the type of chores I make him do so that BM would get mad. He thought her getting mad at me would get him out of doing chores. Ha, he failed on that one. He told us lies about them thinking that he wouldn't have to go to their house anymore. I guess he didn't realize that court order mandates that we make him visit their house. He now quit lying about the parents, step-parents and households, but still lies about stupid non-sense. He doesn't even had logical reason for lying. He just lies for the sake of lying. His step-dad is a pathological liar, which I'm sure doesn't help the situation, but we can't tell the kid that the step-dad is a pathological liar. Both DH & I are sooo tired of the lying.
He also believes EVERYTHING he sees on instagram & youtube. He then repeats it and makes himself sound like a fool. I'm now assigning him 3 viral internet stories per week. He has to determine which are real and which are fake and report back to me. I'm trying to get him to learn to do research instead of believing everything he sees & hears.
^^Exactly what I was gonna
^^Exactly what I was gonna say. You might as well take advantage of actually calling her a bitch since he won't believe you anyway!
When his 7yo daughter
When his 7yo daughter realizes she has that kind of power, to push you and her dad apart and manipulate him, she will be relentless and ruthless. Think of her at 17. Yikes. Sorry your DH isn't being reasonable or rational, I would think he would know by now, since y'all are already married, if you were the type of woman to call 7yo little girls 'bitch'. Jeez.
First, did you say anything
First, did you say anything to the child really at all or did the child just up and run tell her father you called her a b*tch? I'm asking because you mentioned in an earlier thread that you are newly arrived in this country. Is there an accent that this kid, perhaps paying 1/2 attention, that could have made one word sound to her like what she claims you said.
If not, and you really said nothing at all, what else has happened recently that would make this kid start plotting against you? Meaning, is this the first thing like this she's done or has there been other (perhaps something less bold) she's tried to make trouble in your home between you and DH.
You also mention in the other thread from earlier a while back that the girl's mother follows you around snapping pictures. Obviously the BM is having serious issues with accepting you having a role in the child's life. If the girl lied deliberately to her father about what you said or didn't say, chances are very good the BM is putting the child up to it ( BMs can sometimes plan tricks on such young kids like 'tell Daddy Stepmom called you a b*tch and Daddy will be so hurt and angry Daddy will come back home to you and I )
If there's a chance of this later scenario (BM heading the kid lies to get the kid to help get rid of you), you need to discuss the possibility with your DH. For one, Dad would need to have a talk with his child that him going back to BM is something that is never going to happen. He also would need to try and make the child understand how serious telling lies like this is.
I'm so sorry what happened. You've got to feel crushed your DH thinks you called his child a cruel name when you know you did not. You've also have to be angry that the first words out of his mouth is 'divorce' without considering the very real possibility that the child simply lied.
I don't know where a 7 year
I don't know where a 7 year old would even know that word, I would never say anything even remotely like that to a kid and that the fact that he will always put them first is very hard to accept because I feel like I don't stand a chance. I tried to make him realize that their bm has obviously been feeding them all of this poison but he doesn't even want to hear it, he won't hear anything I say and that's what hurts me the most.
I would tell DH that under no
I would tell DH that under no circumstances will you EVER be left with SD alone again. I would also have a conversation about how hurt you are that he doesn't trust you enough to know that you would never say such a thing to SD.
If BM is on a rampage to get rid of you by using SD you are in for quite a ride. My SD was quite manipulative at that age and knew lots of words.
Swamp Hole PAS'd SD against me and DH. BM hated the fact that I was in her kids lives especially her daughters life. BM became extremely jealous of the relationship I had with SD. They ended joining alliances to cause mass trouble in our home, (read one of my early blogs) to the point police were constantly called, DCF investigated us etc.
Eventually DH saw the destruction and told SD if she could not abide by the rules in our home, then she could no longer visit our home. However during one of our court dates the Judge suspended visitation with SD to try and preserve the relationship for later in life and sent SD to counseling.
My life is much better now that she isn't involved with our home life and her brothers are happier too.
Do not do anything for your SD and don't be left with her either. Let her deal with Daddy, eventually he will see her behavior.
BM hated the fact that I was
BM hated the fact that I was in her kids lives especially her daughters life.
You know, that was the same with us. BM got Contempt for Willful Interference with Visitation but what I always found odd was that is was the GIRL she kept from us while she still allowed my SS to visit almost every time.
Very odd.
SDthen13 told SO that I
SDthen13 told SO that I called her retarded. Here's how THAT convo went.....
SO: Please tell me you didn't call her retarded
Me: Do you think I really said that?
SO: No, but I have to ask.....
Me: Actually, NO you don't. But, just for the, I didn't say that, I asked her if she was slow to understand what I was saying. And this will be the FIRST and LAST time I defend myself against one of SD's made-up/exaggerated stories.
SD did admit that is what I actually said, but it made her "feeeeeeeeel like I called her retarded." And of course, she wasn't LYING, according to SO, since her pwecious wittle fee fees are what is really important.
The next time SO tried to initiate a conversation with, "SD said that you said yadda yadda yadda..." I looked at him, smirked and walked away without a word.
Sometimes just trying to defend yourself makes the situation worse, it raises their defenses and these guilty Daddies are just sooooo quick to protect the pwecious wittle ones. Sometimes going on the offensive, like I did, works better. Or Bullet's suggestion of recording/video of the event to PROVE it is actually happening is necessary.
I'd start recording every convo with the brat on my iPhone. Refusing to be alone with her in the same room is also a good idea.
If you are planning on
If you are planning on staying with this Guilty Daddy, I would also make no bones about the fact that the next time he brought up the D word, he'd better be ready to go through with it because you will file yourself!