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H wants a divorce over sd lie

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So this evening Sd made up that I called her a bitch, right after that they went to bm and now my husband wants to get a divorce, he believes his daughter, he is treating me like I killed someone and won't even look at me. So much for a man that promised to love me and respect me until the day he died.
He doesn't care about my feelings at all, the same man that has call me every insulting name on the vocabulary and that has almost physically hurt me.

How do I deal with sd lying?

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Please help me out here! My sd7 just told my H that I called her a bitch which is obviously a lie. He asked he many times if she was telling the truth and she said yes and he believes her 100%
I feel very hurt that he thinks that would say to her, he is even talking about a divorce and we haven't been married for a year. I feel betrayed, disappointed and lost and I don't know how to deal with it or how to make him believe me.

Is it normal?

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I just can't help this awful feeling of being neglegted every time the skids walk in the house, my DH imediatley starts ignoring me and the whole time they are here it's like they are glue to his hip, I feel like my blood boils every time this that normal? Does it happend to any one else? they are here 50/50 (to much time in my opinion) and he acts like he hasn't seen there in 10 years.