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Found Horrid Posts by SD on IT site..about me and DH

Leara's picture

She can text me "I love you " or used to..( mad at me right now because I couldn't do as she wanted..long story).and then post the most venomous lies on a site,I had never heard of.but I am on it now.under an this wrong to do??????..just want to know how she is presenting herself and us to the world..shocked, a little.. but with her it isn't a big shock..she is capable of anything..she is posting all the time,,all lies..she even lies about unimportant things..she doesn't like to be confronted..gets all dramatic and is going to call a lawyer..etc....we have tried so hard with this girl..she is 32..should be an adult but is so confused..I can think of many possible mental disorders but she won't seek help..she has 3 she gave away so four really.. they are told to lie also,,and steal...,on her third marriage..lives 1300 miles away now.. but we are still targets.she has banned us from any communication with the kids..except my oldest Grandson has a Facebook page which she moniters so I cant really ask him how he is....should I dis-engage?? DH has already he is so sick of her....I worry about the kids with such a crazy mother...


Elizabeth's picture

I personally would like everyone on Steptalk who has found their stepkids posting on the Internet to tell me how they figured this out and the names of these sites! I'm sure SD is saying hateful things about me, I just haven't been able to track her down. Maybe I just don't want to know?!

stormabruin's picture

If you know of a particular screenname they use, you can google it, or you can google their names or their email addy's & see what comes up.

Leara's picture

As far as what site they may be on ..what are their interests??..are they in the military or married into it???I am glad I know,she has played me for so long ..I feel totally stupid..this time last year I had her kids because she said she was having minor surgery..her husband was out of town and I later found out she was staying with her husband # 3.....just tired of playing the for few people seeing her BS one rant got 1234 hits..:) so everyone loves a good made up story..I feel like on this site I can at least hear some truth..and if she found me on on little have been busted...good luck with your search..after the initual becomes more like a mini drama..what am I doing today??? kind of thing but I am giving her nothing to work with so it all is a surprise..take care.... Smile

lmac's picture

Lord, is your SD our BM?

Because seriously. What your SD is doing is what our BM does. Also 3 kids. Don't know if she ever gave one away, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Anon2009's picture

I agree with everyone else. I wouldn't say anything about it to her unless she mentions your name specifically. It'll just make things worse.

SisterNeko's picture

I agree - just don't read it. BM posts awful things about me and BF all the time. She blocked me but things have away of getting out, but I don't search it out any more. I just don't care what she thinks and unlike her I have no issues telling her to her face how I feel. Smile because that is the kind of woman that I am.

Don't stoop to their level. I find people are braver online than in person.

And I have said it many times - NOTHING posted online is private no matter what your 'settings' are. if people can read it then it can get out to any one.

stormabruin's picture

She is old enough you can't parent her. Accept that she is fickle & can't be trusted. If it helps you understand the position your grandchildren are in & helps you to know things that she posts on there, I think it's fine.

I have a fake FB account I use to keep us posted on BM.

I really think that at 32, she's going to be whatever she is. She lies & you know it. Your relationship with her will likely never be what she wants you to think it is because of it.

Has your DH filed for grandparental rights to visitation? That would give the 2 of you some time with the kids ,away from her, & you can be their positive influence. With the distance, you obviously wouldn't have EOW or anything, but possibly a couple of weeks over the summer or something.

hismineandours's picture

I would be curious to see what ss13 would post (I know he's not posting things because he has no internet access)-but it would at least give me insight into how he is thinking about things-BUT it would most likely just make me feel very outraged. I know the things ss says about why he treats me the way he does make me feel very outraged-so I am sure that the uncensored version would be worse.

stormabruin's picture

The insight to how they think is what I find helpful to know. I may not be able to fix it based on knowing that, but it helps me understand why things are the way they are sometimes, & why they behave or have the attitude they do.

You can ask a kid a hundred times what they're thinking, & chances of getting an upfront honest answer is slim to none.

oneoffour's picture

Think of it this way, she has to make stuff up to get sympathy from strangers. How pathetic is that? I mean her cyber BFF could knock her over in a parking lot and nver know who it is.

If she mentions your name you could post how she really shouldn't NAME people because you (in your alias) googled your name and found out the several people with that namer live in the USA in ...and name the states.

When you first started your post I thought you were talking about a teenager. And this woman is 32? OK, that is really pathetic and VERY funny... She is old enough and ugly enough to know better.

Leara's picture

Thank you all..when I saw these things posted ..after I picked up my jaw from the floor. :jawdrop: ..... I looked for someone to vent to as one knows what it is like unless they have been there...I do appreciate the comments,every one of them has merit...I guess In some way I wish I had a relationship with her,that was true and honest....she is very guarded with us,ran away at 16, went to live with a woman who had a relationship with my DH before he met me so she was "protected" we could never reach her..then the woman kicked her out on the street. I do want to hear how the Grandkids are and she posts about them on this site as well..It is all we have...and it is a soap opera in her own mind..she does get a lot of sympathy said they would punch us both in the face after some really good lies from out of the mind of a crazy girl...I don't want sympathy..none of us do,,just somewhere to share and learn as this is something that friends who know and love us just wont discuss.".she is crazy,end of story to them" they have never liked her at all..with good reasons..she is so mean to everyone..wish I knew how to get help for her..I worry about the kids Sad ..but I thank you all for everything...any advice or comment is always welcome.. Smile

Sweetnothings's picture

Yikes, this happened with us, with Sd21, and seeing what they write is just awful. I sucked it upfor years, kept on slugging away with a relationship with her, but really after hundreds of second trys and fresh starts, you just run out of caring enough to keep on going.....

The internet is a wonderful tool, but in the hands of our Sd21 it became an easy, sly viscious weapon.....sites used and still being used to this day.... Are too numerous to list....

She started out with one email address, and some silly nickname that she used as a fake name online.....everytime she was " discovered " by us, she would just restart after her punishment with a whole new email address, etc and then open yet more accounts......

Obviously, there is Facebook, Tumblr, LiveJournal, DailyBooth ( not so much blogging, but posting photos!!) etc....also if you know they have a favourite TV programme or interest, e.g The Sims, etc, it can be easy to trace them on popular community sites ,etc....

I know we come on here to vent, this is true, but there is a huge difference to what I do on here, share my stories of Stepping over the years, to what my Sd21 did and is still doing, I tell the TRUTH.....she is a pathological liar, or Mythomaniac if you like..... Who has not used the truth for many years......

beyond pissed-off's picture

"Mythomaniac" - oooooh - cool new word! I love learning new words - thanks. Unfortunately, with my SD14 and SS16, it will NOT be difficult to use it in a sentence 5 times to make it stick in my memory!

Leara's picture

Smile surprise!!! our mythomaniac ( such a perfect word) actually texted me :jawdrop: we were in a small 5.9( near D.C. ) earthquake,then since we both had a few days off..went south to the beach for a day or two to Nags Head ,NC and were evacuated due to Hurricane Irene..too this was wild enough...but to see her name pop up on my phone was the shock of the week!!!!!!.and she wanted us to know they were in evac mode..what a stepmom has to do to hear from SD32..but I was glad to hear anything..real???not really...caring about us, not really there.. but I appreciated it anyway...nothing since and I dont expect anything..just wanted to share ...Wishing you a better Saturday the hurricane should be here at home so life is full...stay safe guys..