OFW check in is the best!
HCBM who is a pathological lying sociopath narcissist keeps lying and emailing how DH is late to things. They started using our family Wizard about a month ago (although she hardly ever uses it, she just keeps emailing) and she obviously doesn't realize that there is a check in option and DH keeps checking in and keeping it private. She says he was late for something and it clearly shows his exact location and the exact time he arrived......and spoiler alert....he wasn't late! Lol!!! I can't wait to show these records in court. She just can't help herself. She just lies and lies and lies. It's pathetic!
Hahahaha that is great.
Hahahaha that is great.
Makes me think of when my ODS dad tried to tell the court his name was on the house I owned and tried to take custody and kick me out of it. It's amazing what high conflict people will lie about - all I had to do was pull up the mortgage on my phone to prove him wrong.
Not kidding, BM brought up in
Not kidding, BM brought up in court once that DH was THREE MINUTES late for pick-up. IN A BLIZZARD. The lawyer asked why it was such a big deal and she said, "I have things to do."
Crazy controlling bitches.
Yep. This all started when DH
Yep. This all started when DH was 7 min dropping SS off at her house so he was a couple min late for virtual school. Mind you, her lazy ass will not do one drop off or pick up. DH does 100% of the transportation so once in a very great while (maybe 3 times a year) he's late due to a traffic jam because of an accident or something serious. She will get on him about it and demand her explain himself. He ignores her. I mean 7 min??? AND he let her know "got caught in traffic, will be a few min late"
So, she's an opportunist and decided to take that and act like he's late for everything and even goes as far as to say it's causing SS major anxiety because of DH's "habit of being tardy" omg!!! She's the most annoying person on earth. Oh and SS was freaking out this week now when DH was dropping off at practice saying "I'm going to be late!!" They we're on no way late and got there 5 min early and people were still pulling in after them. So it seems that HCBM is putting in SS head that "dad is always late" we found texts of her telling them "call me if dad is late. Don't be scared"
sickos. These women are SICK and they actually think they are good mothers.
AND, the only reason he's
AND, the only reason he's afraid of being late is because mom flips her lid and makes everyone's life miserable.
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds about right. That is
Sounds about right. That is what they do.
((HUGS)) sorry you have to go through this too. It's crazy.
Ya gotta love it when the
Ya gotta love it when the toxic oppositon is also an idiot. Though long before OFW, we bared the toxic oppositions idiot asses a number of times when they were lying in court. They claimed that calls and conversations, and things they said never happened. Then we would play the recordings of those calls. Thew would lose their shit in court claiming ot was illegal for us to record them on calls with us. Nope, not in Texas. We were in Texas recording phone calls we were part of which in Texas is legal to do without telling any other party to the call. Not legal in SpermLand but... we were not in SpermLand and we had them recorded then had them lying in court. That was fun.
We rolled out the recordings a number of times over the years, both in court, and to beat them back under the slime covered rock under their lying POS shallow and polluted gene pool.
Do not share the capabilities of OFW with BM, if she is too stupid to learn them for herself, keep smacking her with the facts in response to her idiocy.
And... have fun doing it.