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vent...sorry. I hate BM.

lastchance's picture

So I just found out, that BM's soon to be ex-husband, has cut her off completely. She drained his bank account (again) right after he was paid and he has now taken her off of his account so that she no longer has access. She had fed him some b.s. before about she needed to have access to the account or the kids would get taken from her.

I've heard some bad stuff about this guy, but I still feel bad for him. Right now, he's on deployment in Korea. He left in December and about 1-2 months after he left she had some other guy living with her. Since he's been gone she's drained his account twice. When he was deployed to Iraq she did the same thing to him. Drained his account a couple weeks before he got back and skipped town with all the kids. The dummy forgave her though, but ended up in the same boat (again).

So, in light of all this, BM's threats all make sense. She sees us as a meal ticket. If she can't get her money from her (ex)husband and she refuses to work, she's got to get it somewhere. I think she thinks because I have a steady job that I am the answer to all her problems. What a load of crap. I am so frustrated with this woman. A very large part of me wishes BM and her bastard children would fall off the face of the earth. SD is a wonderful kid for now, but she won't stay that way for long. BM is going to ruin such a beautiful child and we are powerless to stop it. We don't have money for a lawyer and she lives so ridiculously far away. We have no control over what this horrible woman subjects SD to and no reliable way to even know what's going on. I almost welcome her changing her number again or moving so that we don't know where she is living. With absence at least we wouldn't have to worry know what she is subjecting SD to on a daily basis. It sounds horrible but I think it would be better.

I am just so frustrated. I don't want to think about this woman anymore ever again. aaaaaaaargh Sad