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Biomomof2's picture

Most of what is dealt with on this board is crazy BMs. DH and I deal with my ex. BF has done all the crazy stuff if the worse BMs on here. Watching posts the last couple of weeks about crazy BM behavior made me remember one of the many crazy things BF did. We started dating when I was 20. Married right after my 21st birthday. He was 10 yrs old. Counselor has told me I gave the perfect time line for an abuser.
Started dating at 20
He's 10 yrs older (I was young)
Married 8 months later right after my 21 birthday
I was pregnant at 22 with DD
She was born right before I turned 23
She was 6 months old when it got bad. He is very verbally and emotionally abusive. Don't know if he would have gotten physical if I was the type to bow down. I have a permeant RO against him
Anyways crazy story. He is military. He volunteered for a year in South Korea. Requested the orders. I moved to the follow-on base when he left to get settled. DD started Kindergarten while he was gone and I didn't want her to have to change schools. Follow on base is 4 hours from my home town. Actually got to spend a lot of time with my brother. BF is gone for all holidays. Christmas night he calls. I'm telling him my brother and his wife spent Christmas Eve with us and left around 10am Christmas dayto spend it with SILs family. He freaked out. Screamed at me for an hour over how dare I let another man spend the night in our house or be around HiS kids on Christmas. Seriously flipped out over this other man.
The "other man" is my brother. Their Uncle.
Crazy people can't be reasonable


Biomomof2's picture

She is 11. He does have visitation. BS9 runs his house. Everything done at BF is only what he likes. Football Sunday with snacks and junk food. They to to stay in the living room. Actually just hired an attorney because DD is so ignored or ganged up on over there she doesn't want over nights. He is not a good father to her, she has no real relationship with him

Biomomof2's picture

Little more detail... BF joined BS in making fun of DDd pubic hair. Made her feel so bad she shaved it off. I took care of that. He talks about how hot or sexy girls are with BS in front of her. Makes the comments he would do her to BS who is 9 in front of DD. DD is so uncomfortable there and in how BF touches her she went to the PD and made a report. They contacted me, told me they don't believe it is sexual but that BF views her as property and therefore can do whatever he wants. Took BS9, and DD11 to see Xmen Days of Future past and then spent the rest of the weekend making comments about how she knows she liked seeing Wolverines butt. (If you haven't seen it first 5 minutes full clear view of Hugh Jackmans naked butt.
She is very uncomfortable there. Like I said above, I have hired an attorney to change at least her visitation to no over nights and to try to make her visits only in public places. Like he takes her to dinner Thursday and Saturday on rotating weeks but she is not allowed in his vehicle. Keep your fingers crossed please. She needs out

kathc's picture

He's a horribly disgusting piece of shit for doing that to her. I can't believe the police saw nothing wrong with him touching her in a way that made her uncomfortable. Isn't there a CPS that can be called?

But thank you for the info on the XMen movie. Going off to buy a copy now...

Biomomof2's picture

CPS was called. BF was told by both PD and CPS they will make up a crime if they have to but if he doesn't stop they will arrest him. So now he really ignores her.
He is an abusive ASS. My judge moved to criminal. So I hired an attorney to get my case back in front of her. The kid have had an attorney. The last time he was wining and dinning them and they were younger. But the attorney had seen the light. I spoke with her. The course of action now is to get her reassigned and get DD away from him. It had gotten so bad for DD she refused to sit up front in his vehicle. She will sit only in the detached chair (he has a couch with 2 recliners and a separate recliner). Seriously all I have ever wanted is them to have a good dad and a good relationship. I have always taken care of them. He (even married) never took the bios to the doc to the dentist... He took no responsibility. I would love to truly relax a couple of weekends a month with no kids. I'm more relaxed when they are home because he is just an ass!!!!

kathc's picture

That is total psycho crazy. Another man? Your BROTHER? Nah, you did the right thing losing that crazy train.

Biomomof2's picture

Yes I did!!! For about 5 yrs I stayed because I didn't wait to ever leave my kids alone with him. I realized it would be better for them to have normal happy mom and house and be stuck alone with BF 4-6 days a month then always be with him. Once I realized that I was gone.