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My husband got served court papers today!!!1

aleshiafenner's picture

Ok if you have read the story about BM assault charges the day after Christmas you will understand how funny this all is. But I am going to assume you haven’t so let me recap it.
BM was mad my husband and I were still getting married so she attacked him and the kids saw most of it. Then tried to say he attacked her. He was there to visit his two boys for the oldest 16th birthday and Christmas. He was staying there with her permission, because he lives in Korea and she was using his car for work. BM called the police trying to file a report saying he attacked her, but he went back to wait because he was going to do the same. They saw the marks and came to the conclusion BM was the aggressor, BM was arrested and spent the weekend in jail.

Well she filed a restraining order or protective order whatever they call it. BM states that he has threatened her and feels unsafe. BM requested that she be able to live in the family home which is already agreed to in the legal separation papers that continued after the divorce, as if they were still living together. Have right to his car that he now allowed her to drive because he is not allowed to drive in Korea (military crap, nothing legal). She also requested he move out of the house (he is stationed in Korea till May, has not lived there in over 3 years, house is not located near a military installation) and not be allowed to go anywhere near her or the kids, to include her work place the children’s school, or any place she may be housed at the time. Oh yeah and all kinds of other crazy stuff that makes no sense, that you can check on those things. The judge shut it down based on no proof. He was on the other side of the country when BM filed this and when he flew back had not transportation but to and from the airport by a shuttle bus because she has his car, which was only for 3 days, then back to Korea till May. She didn't feel threatened she was trying to be a pain.

Does anyone else think that what BM did was stupid and a waste of time?

Also BM is telling the story that he pushed her (she is close if not over 300lbs, she really let herself go), and that is why she attacked, bit and hit him with something. She must be telling the boys this since they didn't see how it all started BM attack him and now are not talking or wanting to see their dad. Before all this the kids talked to their dad every day.

Does anyone know if you can be punished for filling false reports, also would that be considered harassment?

Angel72's picture

I dotn know the laws in the states but i'm sure there must be something about false accusations. i know here in canada , you can sue for what you have just described.
She's basically trying to get the house. I woudl first take the car back , repossess it.Let her get her own transport. Doesn't matter if he cannot drive in korea, its not her car, he's doing her a favor by letting her drive it. Which the act in itself would be odd considering she feels so unsafe with him..... If its under your dh's name, he can do it. Press ahead iwth divorce and sell the home. She gets her share of the money but does not stay in that home. She can go buy something else and start over.