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Counting the hours... really frustrated right now- Good, Bad and Ugly update

Last-Wife's picture

In less than 12 hours, the SSs will be leaving for a 4 day basketball tournament in a town far, far away. I just got home from my part-time job, which paid for them to go to said tournament. They have spent the past 20 minutes yelling at me that they can't find their socks, their ball shorts, their this and that. I told them it was too bad, cause I was going to bed. I reminded them I told them last night if they needed anything washed for the trip, it needed to be in the laundry room by 9 am this morning. Neither boy left me clothes to wash, so I went about my daily chores...

Princess has been a true joy to be around this summer, and that isn't a joke. She's really matured in the last school year since her accident last summer. However, she's been a little bitchy the last day or two because she does have to go in for another surgery next week due to complications from the accident. Her bones have not healed properly, so it's another surgery, and 8 more weeks of no walking on her foot. Since she will lose all sense of freedom nmext Monday, she is going out of town on Thursday to spend the weekend on the other side of the state with friends./ She offered to do EXTRA chores for a little spending cash. So I gave her a list of things. It sat there for 3 days and today she decides to tackle them, and then does nothing but bitch about how stupid the jobs are. Maybe so, but they are things I needed done since my back has been out since April. Things like wash the cabinet fronts, and thoroughly clean all the kitchen chairs... I also gave her an extra laundry chore. She bitched so much, I left for work early. Got home and jobs seem half ass finished... Will tackle that one tomorrow.

Loghead is off on his summer construction job. Won't see him till Friday.

So less than 12 hours till boys leave. Less than 48 hours before Princess leaves, less than 72 hours before Loghead returns.

I can't wait to get the house- just me and Gibby!


overworkedmom's picture

Good Lord, I would be counting the hours too! Glad some peace is in your near future Smile