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Feeling lost

Last-Wife's picture

I am not enjoying my summer vacation. I don't even feel like I fit in my own home.

As a teacher, I always look forward to my time off in the summer to do craft projects and home improvement projects. But since Loghead lost his job in December, there really isn't money to do those things this year.

Loghead's temp job is at a construction site, almost 3 hours from home. This week he is staying on site in a travel camper to save gas money. He was so cranky before he left. He'd promised to spend Saturday with our son, Gibby 8. But his dad called and needed help, so he bailed on Gibby. He got home late Saturday night, and made a few messes in the house, and then started to head to bed. When I asked him if he'd clean up, he totally bit my head off. Then he was just so argumentative and rude in the bedroom that I went to read in the living room, and ended up falling asleep on the couch.

He let Princess go stay at her boyfriend's for the weekend, despite my disapproval. His ex brought Lazy Boye 14 home a day early, and he was incredibly defiant after 3 days with her... The dog was in a serious accident Memorial Day weekend, and has to stay in the house, so she needs to go out every 2 hours or so. So I really can't even leave the house...

I;m just pissed and cranky today. AGHHHHH!!!


stepsoftly's picture

I never thought I'd say it but I find I interact with SD better and become happier and less stressed after a glass of wine. Found this out almost by accident at a party, as usually we don't drink around her! Obviously not an option for all though.

Last-Wife's picture

Thanks, ladies. I went to dig out my secret stash of ice cream in the freezer. (I hide it in an old package of frozen brocoli I saved!) LOL