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It's not going to change... Long vent

Last-Wife's picture

... it's not going to get any better. So what am I willing to give up? What do I have to let go of to be willing to make it work? A clean house? Skids who do what they're asked?

I'm tired. I don't want to keep asking myself if this is worth it. I've invested over 12 years of my life. We have a son. I don't feel like I can just walk away. I just want to be happy. So what do I have to give up to be happy?

Loghead isn't much help right now. He's so down in the fact that his temp job ends in late March, and he hasn't found anything for now. AS an educator, there won't be many options until jobs for next fall are posted. He's even posted ads around to do physical labor jobs in our area. He does have a few weekend jobs lined up. But he's so lost in his head about it, he doesn't see what's really going on around here...

I'm pressured as the main breadwinner right now, and 6 people can't live on one teacher's salary... I work from the minute I get up till the minute I go to bed. I'm doing my best to stay disengaged, but damn, is it so hard for a skid to take two minutes to empty the dishwasher after school, when he gets home 2 hours before I do, and 4 hours before his father does? And it's not like I assigned him that job, his father did months ago...

So here's my beef today- Loghead didn't go in to work today. His car wouldn't start and the junk car couldn't make the 2 hour drive to his temp job. So he stayed home all day. I haven't done his laundry in weeks- there are piles of his clothes all over... Couldn't he find 5 minutes to start a load of laundry? He made bacon and eggs... Grease splattered everywhere and sink full of dirty dishes.

SChool gets out here on Wednesdays at 2 for teacher meetings. So Lazy Boye and Princess got off bus here at 2:45. PITA stayed for ball practice. Both skids had two chores on the chore board, ones that would total less than 6 minutes of their time...

Instead, I get home and Princess's boyfriend, Stepping Stone, is here. She's in her tank top and pj pants and they're cuddled on the couch together. (Damn, I hate they are dating again and this is the 3rd night this week they've been together.) I can see Lazy Boye out in the woods behind our house- chopping wood, which is helpful, but he's left his school shit everywhere.

Loghead is at the counter doing computer work- actually looked like FB, but whatever. I see the chore board is checked off, but there is evidence everywhere neither child did their tasks- empty dishwasher, take out trash, wipe down counters, and wipe down skids' bathroom. Nothing hard...

Gibby heads to his room and immediately starts his homework- God Bless him! I didn't know Stepping Stone would be there, and I hadn't bought enough chicken for all of us for dinner. I start to look for clean dishes- not many since Princess was cooking at 11 pm last night, and Loghead hadn't cleaned any of his messes... I see evidence the skids had already eaten when they got of the bus, and I ask Loghead. He says he's not hungry and they all ate. Yea- Princess fixed her and Stepping Stone MY chinese veggie freezer dinners. Great. So I start dinner for just Gibby and I...

An hour later, our food is done. In this time I have cleaned my side of the bedroom, helped Gibby with his homework, made two calls for work, folded a load of laundry and started a new one. (Strictly towels- that's the only thing I still wash for the whole family, and a load of mine and Gibby's clothes- everyone else does their own laundry.) Gibby and I sit down to eat, and Loghead and Lazy Boye sit down too... "Where's ours?" Loghead asks...

I just look at him. "You told me the skids ate, and you weren't hungry. I didn't make enough. I guess if we don't eat all our food, you can have what's left..."

They both sulk away... Lazy Boye comes back a few minutes later and asks to use my cell. My plan and Loca Grande's plan are the same, so he uses my phone to call her. Yes- we're mean. He's 14 and we won't get him his own cell... I tell him no. He couldn't do his two chores, and until they're done, he can't have my phone.

IN FRONT OF HIM, Loghead tells me just to give him the phone- the chores can wait.

He's right- the chores can wait, but the skid doesn't get my phone... I tell Lazy Boye I said my piece and his father wasn't going to tell me what I could do with MY phone; and I glare at Loghead while I say it. Loghead tells me I've been cranky since I got home, and maybe I should take a bath and chill after diner. "No one wants to be with you when you act like this..."

I will take a bath- after I vent. I realize it's not going to change. We have had 3 major incidents since November, and each time I have listed out for Loghead what needs to change. That included him supporting me when I tell the skids no, or when I give them tasks. That included him and skids helping around house more. That included Stepping Stone not being around all the time because he makes Princess turn into her mother. That included Loghead spending more meaningful time with me. That included him letting me finish my thoughts and explaining why I feel the way I do about things...Instead of being shushed every time I talk...

So what am I WILLING to give up?


Totalybogus's picture

I guess I have to ask why it is you doing all of the giving.... I can say that the reason things haven't changed is because you don't have any consequence to the behavior to make it change. I'm not saying you should give up on the marriage, but you can start doing things for yourself instead of stressing about what they're NOT doing and what he is NOT doing to help YOU.

Take a course at your local college that you'd enjoy, writing, art, photography... something for you. Look on line for meet up groups in your area. They usually have groups that do things that you might be interested. Join one of those. Don't run right home to take care of them until they start taking care of you in return. Don't give up any more of yourself. Take yourself back.

Most Evil's picture

These are great ideas. Take a dance class! Go read the horoscope books and magazines at Borders! I used to go to the mall every day because I hated my roommate at the time, just to be away. I couldn't buy anything really, just walk and exercise.

I would go on strike, and take your time getting home, until they step up.

DHs can be dense, and I admit to spelling out specific things I want done, so there is NO WAY he can say he didn't know what I needed! Hugs honey
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

Last-Wife's picture

Is taking care of my house really giving? I'm not sure, not arguing. Questioning? I don't know. It seems hard to disengage when the skids live with us full time...

It is hard to find time for me. I work 30 minutes from home, and Gibby goes to the same place I work. We car pool with another couple to save gas and $$$.

Gibby and I did go out last night and enjoy a dinner and movie together...

"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."

Most Evil's picture

Oh shoot, you ride together . . . maybe yoga dvds in the bedroom? I got a really good one that is really helping with back pain! StepTalk in the bedroom! Call girlfriends in the bedroom! (bring snacks)
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

belleboudeuse's picture

Taking care of your house when your spouse doesn't give enough of a f*ck to make an effort to help you, is giving too much.

Loghead is an a**hole if he says things like "No one wants to be around you when you're like this" in front of the kids.

He's undermining your authority and the two of you as a couple, in front of the kids.

I would go on strike if I were you. Honestly, Tired, this is just not fair. Of course you're tired. This is pure b.s.

Hugs, honey. I really feel for you. This is a sh*tty situation and I can't believe your H is treating you like this.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Last-Wife's picture

So far things have been okay with Princess and Stepping Stone, but we have warned her if it starts to get negative and "icky," she's done...

It fluctuates from day to day... each day has its highs and lows. Today just seems really low.

"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."

Candyfrogs's picture

It sounds like youve done a great job with the whole disengagement thing and sticking up for yourself like with the cell phone. As far as your house? I have those problems and my skids are only here EOW and then a little more. Summers are hell. Even when skids arent here I have two babies that like to tear the house apart and DH lets them. DH can't hit the toilet and neither can his son, it's disgusting. I used to just clean harder but time after time of coming home from a 12hour work day and finding the house in COMPLETE disaster mode, I got fed up. It was truly depressing to me so wake up on my days off just to clean all day knowing it was in vain and we won't even talk about when the skids come. They are worse than a crew of 3 yr olds and they are 9 & 10. So what I did was cut costs. DH likes to be disneyland dad when his kids are here and buy them all these things and go out to eat blah, blah. I cut back majorly and hired a housekeeper once a week. The skids go back on Sunday and she comes on Monday. I know it's not feasible to everyone but I'd rather eat hamburger surprise everyday than to constantly clean nasty bathrooms, every dish in the house (they have to have a new cup for every drink during the day,) laundry, and reorganize everything destroyed. I'm happier because of it. On Mondays I take BD8 to school and take BD3 & BD1 out for breakfast and run errands whiles she's there and come home to relax in my nice clean house. The rest of the week? Well, we are working on that but atleast I get Mondays!

Last-Wife's picture

I love this idea! Sadly, DH lost his job right before Christmas, so it's not possible now. I know what you mean about days off. Like tonight, skids either went to their mother;s or with friends for the weekend, so I cleaned like a maniac- all but their bathroom, but no one uses it but them. So now I can wake up and have a clean house until the get home at 6 on Sunday...
"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."