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Loghead was amazing today!

Last-Wife's picture

Loghead was on it today! He took me out for breakfast. He finished a few "honey do" jobs and stuck to his guns about the skids being grounded, and got Princess off her ass!

Lazy Boye, SS 16, has been sleeping on a mattress in the living room since his bedroom flooded in March. Loghead finally put down the new carpet today and got his bed and dresser moved back in the room. Lazy Boye was at his job, so Loghead handled alone.

PITA, SS17, calls and wants to go out with friends, and Loghead remembers he's grounded and orders him to get home. PITA spent the day doing chores.

Princess, SD 20, was supposed to get up and fix breakfast for Gibby, BS 10, while we were out. We were gone about 3 hours, by the time we drove to the nearest town, ate, grocery shopped, and drove home. SHE WAS STILL ASLEEP. Gibby had made his own lunch, empited the dishwasher and done 2 loads of laundry without being told. (God, I love that kid!)

Loghead went in and yanked her outta her bed, and set her to work! He made her clean eerything off the kitchen counters and scrub them, clean out the refrigerator- all the shelves and stuff, and mop the kitchen floors.

It was the best day we've` had around here in a long time!!!


instantfamily's picture

THAT is awesome. Good on Loghead for doing his job- being a freaking parent.