My Weekend (The Money Debate Continues)
Things have been looking up since my last blog (a.k.a. rant) a few days ago.
DF and I had our weekly counseling session within hours of my last post, so of course I was good and fired up about all of the financial issues when we sat down with the therapist. We covered A LOT of ground in that session (he feels like I don’t contribute enough because I don’t pay half and I feel like he doesn’t realize the limitations of my budget and recognize the contributions that I do make) and our counselor ended up asking him, during the course of this conversation, if he was looking for an investor or a wife. She then proceeded to suggest that DF come in by himself for a couple of sessions so that they could further discuss why he is using finances to create emotional barriers in the relationship. I’m pleased to report that not only has DF acknowledged that he is doing this, he has also admitted that he is carrying baggage resulting from the economic ruin that his ex wife left him in and MIGHT be holding that against me. Uhhh…… ya think?!?!?! Additionally, DF agreed to the one on one sessions with the counselor, and has also advised me that he will be paying the counseling bill in full since I told him I didn’t really have the extra funds available in my budget to do so right now.
The conversations that started with our counselor have continued to come up throughout the weekend, and after a couple of pretty big blowups regarding various issues we seem to have come to an understanding that while I am not able to foot exactly 50% of the bill financially, I will continue to contribute what I can afford towards expenses and DF will make more of an effort to appreciate all of the other contributions (maid, cook, tutor, childcare, chauffeur, private secretary) that I make to the household. DF acknowledged how much of my monthly expenditures are for SD, and agreed that he hadn’t realized how quickly it adds up, or how much I was doing. I acknowledged that I could do a little bit better job of keeping him informed of what I am covering and how much things are costing me (even though between you and I, he should already know!). We are also going to be revisiting the household budget in the very near future to make sure expenses are being distributed fairly between the two of us.
I have to say that overall it was a pretty great weekend, and DF didn't even flinch when he paid our rather large dinner bill Saturday night! Let's all keep our fingers crossed that this continues!!!
- lady_of_the_house's blog
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I'd read the blog she posted
I'd read the blog she posted on this before - she doesn't pay rent because he refused to Ever (even after marriage) add her name to the house and she's paying all the grocery and utility bills which because of His lifestyle and his kid are Way higher than she had to deal with on her own. He's also been expecting her to foot half of his daughters costs. He should pay more because he won't even discuss spending less money every month and insisting she pay half. He should pay more because he should be paying for 2 people to her one since it's his kid, not hers.