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klinder180's Blog

Twenty weeks

klinder180's picture

I just looked at my profile -- I joined here almost 20 weeks ago. The encouragment and support here has been very helpful and gotten me through what could have been a much rougher time than it was. Thanks to everyone!


Not too cheery today...

klinder180's picture

Eight months ago my father passed away, he had been ill with alzheimer's since my first semester of law shool (1990). He managed to live at home until 2000. My father was a strong and intelligent man. When he was young he had polio and was told he would never walk again. Regardless he built a successful business. He and my mother were married over 50 years and they had me and my brother (seven years older than me).

More respective post

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This has been an interesting summer. I have enjoyed reading all of the posts and I really do appreciate all of the wonderful advice and support.

I am sitting here on the couch,watching Dancing with the Stars and I am going to head to the gym in half an hour. This show makes me think about things (in a good way) because this was the show the ex gf and I watched all the time. Reading the blogs and entries makes me wonder about all of these Step Parent relationship things.

I have to believe that most relationships do work out.


klinder180's picture

I was surfing the web and found this site. I am confused and would not mind some input from other individuals who have had simialr experiences or just know a heck of a lot more than me...
