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Mom calls us????

kay's picture

After years of talking with bio mom, we get a call, SS stole $1500 from Mom and SD. She asks us what we think she should do. For years now we have tried to work with her to tighten the reigns on the boy and has brushed us off with "the court gave me custudy for a reason!" Now she wants are help. Honestly, I think she is just toying with us. I have some ideas but I know she will not follow through on any of them. This kid is so messed up and each situation gets worse. Just needed to vent. Any suggestions. How do we get BIO mom to wake up .. this kid is heading towards a life of crime!


Conflicted's picture

It is extremely frustrating, but you have to come to terms with the fact that you cannot make her get it, you cannot pull her head out of her a*& for her, there is nothing you can do but make sure the behavior does not occur in YOUR house.

At times like this, I say this prayer:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

Most Evil's picture

Every 6 mos. or so the BM calls DH, crying, saying she just can't handle SD, her own life, whatever it is that time. SD is doing X, etc., can he please help BM with SD. Then when DH sets SD straight, BM jumps in and says, don't treat my child that way, it is all your fault she is even doing this, because you are a bad dad!

So BM gets DH to deliver the message, 'cut the crap', then she undermines him and is the hero for SD, plus she can get her drama fix in. Now we are catching on, so he is saying, since I am so bad for SD, you handle it! It is very frustrating . . .

Most Evil

Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. John Keats