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Drunk SD at 15!

kay's picture

Christmas has now come and gone ... problem, SD goes to grandmothers for X-mas eve, we pick her up at 9, she is cold drunk! Only 15 yrs old. Grandma says what do you want me to do about it! That is the first issue, second, SD says she has a drinking problem, third point/problem, we call bio mom, open communication right??, and she says she doesn't have a problem with that and that she is aware that she drinks and smokes "on occasion" "I don't buy it for them but it is in the fridge in our house." That is what she told us. I am baffled. We don't even have alchol in our house. So now we sit 6 our hours away from the kids knowing that they can drink, smoke and apparently do whatever they hell they want whenever they would like. SD is constantly saying her mom is her best friend. Damn it woman stop being a friend a be a MOM!!!


LVmyBOXERS's picture

SD has told me in not so many words that her mom let's her drink at home. She too is 15 about to be 16. I hope this is not a sign of things to come. Yes these women need to step up and be moms instead of friends. I am not aware that friend is necessarily in the job description of parent...