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BM Needs to stop f'ing up this kid

kay's picture

Step son returns home. Sort of an attitude but we give him the transition time. All was well until today. He gets a punishment for which point he starts to spout off everything his BM said about us the week prior....that we are taking her money...translation Child support. This SS is 15 when is he going to or is he ever going to see his mother for what she is. He just keeps pushing and pushing today. I want to scream! How do I deal with this woman. Should I have my husband stop seeking child support? Trust me the $50 a week we are supposed to get, that have never gotton, is not worth this kid getting so screwed up! HELP ME before I blow a stack!


MamaBecky's picture

If it weren't over CS she would be poisoning him from some other keep collecting what you are entitled to. 15 is tough. You will all get through it. Just be consistent...firm yet loving...its all you can do! Good luck.