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A Little More History

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So as I mentioned in previous post bm is extremely flaky. Can't count the Times she's told the kids they could see her to only later cancel on them or have some lame excuse as to why she can't get em. I'm so fed up with her it's not even funny. She only gets them when it's a convenience for her. They don't see it cuz they love their mommy. And it makes me sick! From what I've read on here it's likely I will never be appreciated for what I do as a step mom but she will forever be MOTY regardless of what she does or doesn't do. I'm about to lose it! So anyway for some more history... So less than a week after SOs divorce was final Bm marries this douche she'd been seeing. He doesn't like skids, they don't like him yet she marries him anyway. So that's been three years ago.. After splitting up and getting back together with him I can't tell you how many times shit finally hit the fan back before summer. OSd 9 told her teacher she was concerned n this and that. Long story short cps was called in and bm and husband had to take drug test. Of course they passed it, why would it be that easy? So cps orders that skids are to no longer be around him. At all. Well since, bm has been having a jolly ole time. Going out to bars dating this one and that one and even goin back to her hubby now and again. Come to find out yesterday they're "officially" back together. So now I'm wondering what's gonna come off this. Cps told her if he was around skids, they'd take her rights away. Probably won't get that lucky and have her outta our lives but one can hope right?