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The Freaking Audacity of BM

justmakingthebest's picture

After almost 2 weeks post court of refusing to acknowledge DH's attempt to work out SS's financial aid, not to mention her trying to say in court that DH wasn't paying- even though we sent a certified letter from our attorney to her attorney, her and SS back in March, she is now snapping her fingers expecting DH to jump on her command!

I hate BM so freaking much! The audacity of this woman to think DH would now sign over all 36 months of his GI bill to SS18! She turned down that deal in court because she wanted HER pay out. F HER! Now I had to explain to the finance office at SS's college what money grubbing horrible people they both are and that SS hasn't even spoken to DH in 2 flipping years! No way are we giving him 4 years of free college. The CO states 1/2. He get's 2 years and not a dime more!

The Post 9-11 GI bill is 36 months. That equates to 4 years of traditional semesters (Fall and spring). DH signed over 18 months- 4 traditional semesters. Told SS if he wants to take a summer course he better do it after 2nd year or he is going to screw everything for himself up. He has been warned. 


WalkOnBy's picture

Nothing is ever enough with these broads, is it?  She rivals the Beast in the size of her balls, doesn't she? 

Survivingstephell's picture

Oh , this could be to road karma takes.  2 years only.  I'd go take some classes for fun just to use up the GI Bill money.    Seeing you had incompetent legal services for years are you sure it's all done, final with no more chances at a money grab?   I hope for your sake it is , there's nothing like the peace that comes for being done with it all.   It'll take a year to shake it all off but so pleasant on this of a CO.  


justmakingthebest's picture

Once DD graduates and we move, DH and I think I am going to go back for my masters. It would be the only way we could ever afford it because we would get the living stipend of 1500/mo plus free school. With no kids at home, it would make things do-able! 

Livingoutloud's picture

Awful terrible person. BM here was the most horrible biatch (yes I am speaking poorly of dead), but even she wasn't as bad. This woman is the worst 

SteppedOut's picture

What is ss going to do without the bah? You know damn well bm isn't going to give him any of the money she is getting. 

Wouldn't surprise me if this kid doesn't try reaching out for money at some point. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Sorry she is still being a PITA.  Hopefully this is just the last futile attempts to make you march to her tune.

If I was you and your DH, I'd assume that she knows that she only agreed to 1/2 the GI Bill and this is her putting on a show for SS.  I'd bet she told him that she got the money and all 4 years tuition.  Now she'll tell him that "mean and nasty JMTB and DH" have reneged on the agreement, stolen half his college funds and he will have to figure out how to pay for at least 2 years of his schooling.  Classic PAS move on her part.  This is the fiction that SS will be spreading with his college friends so please don't let your DH hold on to the fantasy of being invited to graduation if it ever pops into his head.  He'll end up disappointed.

Cover1W's picture

Very likely! SDs narrative is that DH was "ruining her college dreams" by not immediately coughing up an undisclosed amount of cash to her (neither BM nor SD would give him financial details or discuss anything college related with him) upon immediate request, no discussion. I'm sure he's cast as a deadbeat, mean, abusive dad.

justmakingthebest's picture

DH responded in a group text: I have done my part but SS is only entitled to 18 months. BM, you decided that money in your pocket was more important that SS having his full college paid for. That's entirely on you. 

of course no response from either.