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It keeps getting better and better!

Dealing_with_Drama's picture

Last month we figured out that my SS's mother's attorney had withdrawn from her case. Wonder why....could be because she LIES and doesn't know how to pay a bill! Well we just got notice that she has a new attorney. His specialty? DUI and Domestic Violence! This should be interesting when we go to court! Oh, and of course he wants a continuence when she waited an entire month to find a freaking attorney! I will keep you posted!


imagr8tma's picture

How typical. They always wait until the last minute and try to get a continuance.

Don't they realize that will cost them even more money.

How dumb.

SM#1's picture

BMs would rather spend the money it seems, than give the fathers a fair shake at being with their children.

Luckly my SDs BM has been cheap so far---or does not want to go to court----or knows she won't get what she is asking for (CS is 17% plus half medical premiums she can't bleed anymore out of us).