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DH's email to Lawyer

justmakingthebest's picture

BM's lawyer isn't responding to our. Our lawyer has been promising to just file the Journal Entry for weeks now. My heart is just broken for my husband.

“Lawyer, this is ridiculous as you can see I have been cut out of his life and nothing has changed!! I’d send this to the GAL but he is only going to tell me to send it to you. I’d send this to a judge but that’s not how the legal system works. Maybe I can find a Kansas state representative in the state level or even congressional level that will do something. Maybe it’s just time to go to a news channel and show them how messed up Kansas law is allowing BM to treat a service member 

Maybe SS will come around later in life, but maybe I won’t be around when he wants to come around. After all, none of us know our time. 

If roles were reversed I’m sure this would have made national headlines by now about how a service member alienated his ex wife from their son. 


These are the actions that leading me to going to the court of appeals and filing complaints against a judge that doesn’t give a shit and a lawyer representing my ex wife who has been told by the judge to do things and yet he doesn’t. While I hemorrhage money and my ex wife works, gets social security for disability and is now claiming she is going to school to become a physicians assistant. 


All I want is a relationship with my son "


Ss didn't answer the court scheduled call last night. DH is leaving for 3 weeks on Saturday. SS hung up on DH last week after about 3 minutes of him ignoring DH while talking to his GF and hanging out at her house. That is all the stupid calls are, SS ignoring him and hanging out with his friends. Which I still can't figure out why he is allowed at 14 to be out on school nights after 8 pm and on the one day a week he has a court mandatated call with his father. That is also IF he answers which is maybe 1 out of 4 times.


I am so angry. I want to fix this for my husband. I can't.


Part of me does wonder what would happen if we called a news channel or state representitive. Talked about everything that is happening, all of her illegal and fraudulent activity. Talked about how she stole SS out of the state while DH was deployed. How she pushed a divorce through without him even knowing because he was underway again. How we had to get that divorce thrown out! How it took 3 years after that to get divorced for real. How her lawyer is violating the judges orders. 


 I know it won't do anything for the relationship of DH and SS,  but damn... I just want to nail her to the wall!!!! 


tog redux's picture

FYI, you left her name in there. 

BM here used to make sure SS was doing something more fun when DH came to get him. Hence yours being allowed to go to his GF's house on those nights. BM's permissiveness and indulgence of my SS played a huge role in helping to alienate him. 

I'm sorry, you know we know exactly how you and DH feel. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Thanks for catching the name... although at this point I would be willing to give it out to anyone who wants to shout from the roof tops all over social media- where she claims to by MOTY - what a piece of shit she is.

I know you know all about it. I just hope my SS comes around eventually like yours did. I have little hope left at this point. 

tog redux's picture

I had no hope either, and it happened in a way I would not have expected.  Your SS is immature. My SS wanted to live with us and then decided to stay with BM because of a girlfriend who went to the school in BMs district (among other things, I'm sure). BM's like this know EXACTLY how to manipulate a teen boy, give him what he wants, and make sure he thinks it's HIS idea to not see his dad because he's such a big man.

justmakingthebest's picture

Whenever I think or hear "such a big man" I say it in my talking to a puppy voice! 


Because that is all SS is, a puppy getting is treat for being a good boy who is mean to his dad.

susanm's picture

Are you able to exactly state who you want to do what?  No one in the world is going to be able to make a kid talk on the phone if he doesn't want to.  They can make him sit there with the phone to his ear but making him have a conversation is not a legal issue.  If your DH is going to be gone then visits are not possible for a while.  I get the frustration but your letter reads more along the lines of "someone needs to do something" than concrete statements.  Have you considered having his atty put forward a motion for mandatory counseling a certain number of weeks, with BM barred from the room, with confirmation of attendance sent to his/her office during the time that your DH is away?  If nothing else there will be someone other than BM in his ear.

justmakingthebest's picture

We are out of state. The order does specifically state that SS is to home and no one else is allowed to be seen or heard.

So yeah, he can't be forced to talk but as the judge said, it is BM's job to make sure that those conditions are met. 

ESMOD's picture

Honestly.. you both just need to let this go.

It's painfully obvious that right now.. BM has gotten in the boy's head.   As rotten as the situation is.. your husband needs to just accept that his son is not interested in having a good relationship with him right now.  For whatever reason.. he is a teen that is not interested in "family" ties at the moment and GF and friends are more important.. or that BM has made it so that the only path without a load of BS is one that excludes his father... or he truly resents his dad for some other reason.. that to be clear.. will be pointless to try to correct right now.

You guys have spent tons of money.. held up your own lives for cruises and trips and turned yourselves in knots.

The fact that you aren't local to the boy makes this even more difficult because your husband has no way of just taking time in person to try to reach out to the boy.. and honestly.. it sounds like he is pretty much fully checked out from your husband.. so not sure that would help anyway.

So... this is what your husband needs to tell his son in their next "mandated call".  Son, I need you to listen to me for a minute.  I love you, but I cannot keep throwing myself at you when you clearly are indicating that you are not interested in talking to me or having any sort of relationship with you.  So.. here's the deal.  We have these mandated calls set up.  I am going to ask that YOU call ME during those times.  If you don't call.. I will assume that you don't want to talk and I am not going to force you to do what you are not interested in doing.  I will continue to financially support you as I have your entire life.. until you are 18.. but at this point, I am not going to continue to pressure you to have a relationship with me if you do not want that.  It's not what I want, but I'm not going to put myself through these games any further.  Your mother obviously does not want us to have a relationship.  I do want to be in your life, but if that's not what you want.. then the balls in your court.

justmakingthebest's picture

He wants to have that converstaion with him face to face. He wants him out here one last time, this Christmas to do that. We aren't going to force anything after he actually gets to see his son.

tog redux's picture

I'm with ESMOD on that. And he's not going to get a chance to see his son, he just needs to let it go now. Send the kid a long text message and let it go. 

The courts don't care about this stuff. 

ESMOD's picture

I also get your primal desire to see BM unmasked publicly and ridiculed for all the land to see.  I understand that.. she has caused horrific problems for you.. you know she is sketchy.. you have posted several times of stuff you wanted to bring up in court as a "gotcha" and were sure that if the judge would just see her for the beast that she is.. he would surely agree with you and soundly reprimand her and make her behave.. oh.. and shame her in a public forum.

but you know what?  unfortunately.. it just doesn't work that way.  you are never going to be able to scratch that elusive itch.  BM will likely just float forward through life as she always has ... Court/TV/Legislator.. no one is going to bare her A** for you and give you the satisfaction.

You honestly need to work with your DH to get "past" this and take your lives back.. and move forward with the reality that his son doesn't want a relationship.  He will not come for Christmas.. you can't "make" a 14 year old get on a plane.. etc.. it won't happen.  and all the prostrating himself on the ground in front of his son?  isn't doing your husband any good.  He needs to go ahead and "man up" and treat his son as the "man" his son things he is.

"Son.. actions have consequences.  you have made it clear you do not want a relationship.  I will not force these calls or visits if you don't want them.  Balls in your court kid.. call me if you want me.. you have my number.  don't worry.. I will keep sending your  mother her child support payments as I always have.  I love you, but clearly you don't want this contact.. so it ends today.  Anythign to say? nope?  well hope to hear from you someday".


And.. guess what?  you know what's gonna happen? mommy will figure out that with no drama and no EX to toy with.. her prize isn't as fun.. and oh.. wait.. who is gonna buy him a car?  help him with other things like that? oopps we alienated the only person who would helped.. oh well.

tog redux's picture

No, OP - don't do this. 

Send him a text saying: "Son, I love you very much and I'm not going to ever stop being your dad. I won't fight in court anymore, but my door is always open and I will send you a message every so often to check in and see how you are doing. I miss you and you are welcome here any time.  Love Dad."

He's being manipulated, he doesn't need to think his father is rejecting him, that's the worst possible course of action. 

ESMOD's picture

Yeah.. I got a bit flippant about the way I said it..

The core message is that he loves his kid... but isn't going to keep banging his head against the wall if this isn't what the kid wants.. but that his door is open for him when he is ready.

tog redux's picture

Yes - but not in a way that shows he's angry at the kid or won't ever contact him again or "actions have consequences".  It's a sure way to increase and make worse the alienation. The best hope of him returning is to recognize that he's a manipulated kid, and leave the door open with love and care.  Angry counter-rejection is the worst thing you can do. 

(I confess, I hate the whole "actions have consequences" thing, it shows no concern about what leads people to where they are). 

thinkthrice's picture

seek your representative and local news station IMHO!

Of course the alienation has been completed however it would be good to shine the spotlight on all these agencies and so-called Justice systems who give lip service to "fathers are important."

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I feel so bad for your DH.  I know how hard it is to watch your spouse lose their kid to PAS.  My DH hasn't seem or spoken to SD16 in over 2 years.  He tried everything to fix things, but it didn't work. 

I have to agree with the other posters.  Your DH needs to let this go and start to heal. I know it sounds good to go after BM in the media or use a state representative.  However, your DH probably should consider that going after BM will probably just further alienate SS.  At this point, the kid is getting too old to force him.  Even if he is court ordered to come at Christmas, it probably won't happen. BM and SS have learned that they can continually disobey the judges orders with no repercussions.  It seems like your DH may just be setting himself up for more heartbreak.

Siemprematahari's picture

I feel for your H because he's going through his own trauma by being alienated from his son. He needs to take care of himself and if nothing else let his son know that he will always maintain his role as his father. Tell him that no matter what type of life he's going to build for himself now, that he will always have a place in it. Repeat to him that despite all the difficulties that they are going through, his bond as a father will never be broken regardless of what is being done or said. The door will always remain open for whenever HE chooses to enter it.

After that I'd let it go and allow your H to heal and live a life with you and his family where he is thriving and living HIS best life despite of what's going on with his son.

Wishing you all much healing in all this!

 They need to know that despite all of the difficulties of the past, your bond as parent and child will never be broken

Thumper's picture

Like many people on st--I am sorry too.

Remember OP--the Stark Reality is until the child is away from the alienator, there is nothing anyone can do.

OR if this is not Pathogenic Parenting--at age of majority/emancipation the kid will come back because Mom gave the Nod. usually happens when cs stops.

Felicity0224's picture

Your situation just breaks my heart. Your poor DH must really be struggling, and who could blame him?

In my opinion, the best thing to do is to expect to not see SS for a long time. Still keep trying with the phone calls, etc, but don’t make plans for him to come visit at Christmas, or at any time. If he brings up planning to come visit first, then it will be a pleasant surprise and you can adjust plans accordingly OR tell him it’s too late and he’ll have to wait until next time. It will be so much less painful if you and DH are just prepared for the fact that SS isn’t coming.

As for contacting the media and state representative, I think y’all should absolutely do that. It may or may not get you anywhere, BUT it might bring some small amount of emotional justice to you both. Plus, the general public really should be aware that this is going on in their court system. It really is a travesty.

justmakingthebest's picture

I doubt we will actually DO anything other than file for contempt again when he doesn't show up for Christmas. Unfortunately we do have to buy the plane ticket regardless or it will show the court that we didn't want him to come. BM not responding isn't enough according to our lawyer. 

Filing for contempt again SHOULD mean we at least will be "awarded" the money she owes us. HOPEFULLY we can get the judge to make her sign the tax form for us to be able to claim him every year since we all know you can't get blood from a turnip. 

It is just frustrating and heartbreaking. We don't even know how he will act if he does show up. It could be a giant nightmare!!