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Its over.............the final chapter written this morning............

just keep me sane's picture

Had a conversation with DH about ss11 this morning. Again trying to discuss the counseling and need for parenting classes. DH blew up in my face - I told him either schedule one or the other or I am leaving. It appears I am the only one who assumes any responsibility for whats happening to his kid. I also am raising 1 year old grandson as well.
SS11 is dysfunctional as it is, the kid is harboring 5 years of anger over abandonment when DH left his BM and eventually got divorced. Its been real apparent how angry SS11 is with the glaring looks of the ss11 and DH and DH "SAYING TO HIM COME ON TAKE ME ON IF YOU THINK YOU CAN!" who is the immature one here ??? my DH AGE 53. this is a kid who is screaming for his dads love and attention who is dealing with anger and doesn't know what to do with it and DH bullying him is not going to fix it. Nor is his dad's military attitude get in his face going to make it any better or make him listen.

I have care of ss11 five days a week and weekends.He lives with us, BM is out of state and does not see him. I am just a SM I have explained to DH I have no rights here. You need to assume some responsibility for whats happening here and fix it. SS11 doesn't want to go to counselng - he says " I won't talk" - I told DH a good counselor makes a big difference I went thru this with my son ( now grown and 28) He exploded again and told me he didn't want to hear any more BS and if I was going to leave just do it, he didn't want to hear any more. I told him your kid arrived here with all these problems and at the end of the school year when you send him back you'll send him back with more problems if you don't do something about it.
My other issue with DH he won't call his attorney in Texas ( we are in AZ) to file a motion to stop child support - he's in arrears now and it keeps growing because he won't do what it takes to take care of this shit! - He wants me to write the email and his negligence of this hurts us!
Further he's letting the ex (BM) take him(ss11) as a tax deduction this year, and says he's going to claim him too- NOT!! Nothing like opening a can of worms with the IRS - no thank you I'm not that irresponsible- I told him- I will claim myself and grandson on a seperate return and file married filing seperate. F***k That !

I find out the end of this week if I got hired for a full time job- If I did - I am out of here with grandson and will go live with my son for a while until I can get on my feet. I am sick inside from the stress and constant tension.

DH told me if you're leaving just do it now, and take me off the guardianship of our grandson ( we have temporary - permanent order not till Nov 10th - I went to court today to find out how to change the motion he is 1 year old and we have had him since birth. He told me go ahead file for divorce-he didn't care.WTF!!!!!!!!!!
What do I do with this mess now?????????????

I went to see my son, I do have a place to go on the other side of the city. I can't help wondering if I leave what will happen to SS11 will he continue to bully him or will he(DH) grow up and be a real parent and do what it takes to fix this?? and do something to improve his relationship with his son before its too late.

I've had it.....I am open to suggestions.....


SoTired1's picture

Wow!! You have so much on your plate & I clearly understand your frustrations. Sad However, your DH sounds like he's as frustrated with this whole situation, same as you are. I think he's speaking out of frustration & anger when he's telling you to go ahead and leave (if you're going to leave). Sounds like a defensive statement as if you're repeatedly threatening him that you'll leave him. You must consider how hurtful that is to him (if you are constantly telling him that you'll leave him). Perhaps, if you reassured him that you're not going anywhere that you're committed to the marriage & correcting the issues at hand he'll soften up & be willing to hear some of your suggestions. I want you to know that I truly understand your valid concerns that you've listed (especially the monetary issues including the IRS . . . you definitely don't want to get on their bad side). The child support issue I am at a lost as to why would your DH would procrastinate in having that order modified immediately. :? Amazing how someting as important as that (which could land him in jail) he's not motivated to resolve immediately. Marriage is hard especially when communication between husband & wife is off-balanced & wrong in so many ways. It seems apparent that effective communication between you & your DH is not in place & I'm hoping that the two of you do not dissolve your marriage over your differences of SS11; that would be so sad. DH is obviously a good & supportive mate (b/c he's holding guardianship to your grandchild). This SS11 may have had lots of help from his BM in developing these strong negative & disrespectful views of his father & that can be why he's not willing to listen to his father now. Your DH may be 53-years-old but children have a way of saying hurtful things & doing hurtful things that cause an adult to behave inappropriately. I'm not trying to justify your hubby's response to his son but I just want you to see it from another view. It may be hard for you to keep your mouth closed when you're angry & frustrated but maybe you should try not to give your hubby suggestions in how to handle his very own business (unless he asks you). He's a man & though you may not agree with the way he decides to handle [his] situation, it's his decision & you should respect it (however, protect yourself when it comes to financial ruin decisions b/c you do not want to be penalized by any poor decisions he may make in your marriage). I'm hoping it makes sense what I'm saying b/c it seems like I'm rambling now. Feel free to send me a private message should you ever need to.

just keep me sane's picture

Thank you for a different view point it helps. I can't make him call his attorney in Tx and resolve child support thats all it would take to get the ball rolling sad but true. I will protect myself financially by filing married filing seperately. I totally agree BM had a lot of influence to facilitate the anger in SS11, and contributed alot to that because she herself was an alcohol addict- shes been dry over a year now.
Its hard for me to keep my mouth shut especially if I go back to work full time SS11 will be alone from 330 pm till 9 pm at night- 5 days a week- ss11 in my opinion is not mature enough to handle that much less be of age ( he is immature for his age) and I worry about neighbors reporting him home alone to authorities if I go to work. Grand child (1 year old)will be at a sitters- DH seems to think SS11 can handle being home alone - I worry about the liability and responsibility of this situation.
I do realize me telling him I want to leave if he does not start to make good decisions about his son is hurtful. But I have told him I would go to counseling to help ss11 with him and parenting class so we get on same page.
SS11 IS NOT A HORRIBLE KID, I do see glimpses of a good kid in there but I feel so bad for him that he is soo angry with his dad , and dad can not see how much he's crying out for help no matter what comes out of his mouth. Sad his dad can't see it.I may book the counselor for my own sanity and help, see an accountant and consult a lawyer and do the best I can with this mess.

caregiver1127's picture

You really have to look out for yourself - SS11 has two parents and let them worry about him - I know you are in SS's life a lot but you need to worry about you and your grandson - your DH sounds horrible and it will be hard now but in the long run it will be better - if SS is really bad do you want your Grandson around him I don't think so - Good luck and I will be praying!

Bojangles's picture

I really hope you get that job because I do think you need to leave. Someone wrote in a blog today that a biparent in denial is like an addict - until they're ready to admit they have a problem and get help there's nothing you can do fix things. Your DH is clearly not willing to face up to the problems and address them. Even worse he seems to be taking his frustation out on you, and exacerbating the problems with his son. You've tried your best, you deserve a huge amount of credit for that, but now you need to put yourself and your grandson first.

iwishyouwould's picture

I think that if you are beyond a doubt sure that you are going to follow through with this that your first stops should be to an accountant and a lawyer.

just keep me sane's picture

I am doing all of the above this week including a counselor, attorney and good accountant.

just keep me sane's picture

My daughter is the only known parent she see's him occaisonally but he doesn't really have a relationship with her.She is also pregnant again due in Feb 2011 - much to my unhappiness especially since i put her on birth control after she had him and she deliberately quit taking it to get pregnant this I keep a cordial relationship with her, and the one thing she's done right at 20 years old is she went back to school and is trying to finish before this baby arrives so she graduates- maybe she'll grow up a little ( alot i hope with this baby), and she is living with a half decent working BF ( NOT THE FATHER OF THIS BABY).