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Disneyland -- Happiest place on Earth?? I hope so........

jswan's picture

So BF wants to take the family to Disney this year again. I, on the other hand, am very hesitant to spend that kind of money again. Why? Well let me tell you...

Last August we took BF's kids (7 1/12 & 8 1/2 at the time), my son 12 and my son's friend; paid for everyone. Everyone knows how expensive Disney is, right? My son and his friend had a good time, went on a bunch of rides...ya know.
The BF and I took the kids and planned out the day. On the way to the first ride (I think Alice in Wonderland or Snow White)girl8yr old says " I don't want to go on this ride", to which BF responds "We are going on all the rides. You have to at least try", to which girl8 responds by whining and crying. So I step in and say, "If there are rides that you absolutely do not want to go on, you don't have to, if it scares you then tell us and you don't have to go." I tell BF that it's not right to force her into going on rides if she doesn't want to....little did I know that she wouldn't want to go on anything but the DAMN TEACUPS!! Are you f-ing kidding me?? I was all over that park when I was that age, going on every ride I could get my little butt on!!
Anyway, she decides that she'll go on this first ride with us....and as soon as we get in the little cart.....SHE STARTS SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER!!! This is almost a nine year old girl on a kiddie ride! She was like this ALL day!!
Now, his son 7yr wasn't quite like that BUT he only wanted us to do what he wanted to do, he didn't care about his sister or anyone else...and proceeding to throw a tantrum whenever we told him we would do something else BEFORE going to do what he wanted to do.
I told BF that I did not enjoy myself at all and that if we wanted to have a good time there, we would need to come without the kids.
So does anyone understand my hesitation in dropping a load of cash a year later??
We had planned earlier this year to go just the two of us...last week he tells me his 'plan'. His plan included us going one day, staying in a hotel, and having his mom bring the kids up the next day. So his brilliant plan includes paying 2-day admission for us, paying for the two kids, and his mom....I'm not sure if my son wants to go yet...I don't think he will because he gets embarrassed and frustrated by the kids' behavior. This will cost us close to a grand!!! We don't have that kind of money! We are still in debt from his divorce because he allowed that freaking HarpieBM to take him to the cleaners!
I brought up my concern to him and discussed it which led to an argument. The following day I said, "Ok I see that you're not taking No for an answer so if the kids behave the way they did last year...their allowance is ours until they pay for that Disney admission".
May I just add that when my son was younger I took him everywhere, including adult theme parks like Magic Mountain, and I never had this problem with him.
Do you think I'm being too harsh? Is it fair to ask for allowance in order to pay for their admission if they decide to be stinkers this year again?


jswan's picture

See I totally agree with that. I looked at other placed but everything is just as expensive. I checked out Legoland and it's a couple of dollars cheaper than Disney tickets, so is Sea's ridiculous.

I didn't want to fight anymore....and I know that if I didn't cave and we didn't go, he'd make my life miserable for the rest of the Summer.

I defined acting up for whining, being uncooperative, crying or tantrums. Smile

jswan's picture

Thank you for the suggestions. I have brought up alternatives to BF but he is set on Disney. Luckily, we live in San Diego so not too far but we will be going the day before and staying overnight, then his mom is driving up the next day to bring the kids. So the cost is the hotel room, our 2 days of admission, his 2 kids and his mom.
Those are all really neat suggestions, I think I'll keep them in my back pocket for some other time. Smile

stepkate's picture

BF and I just took his daughter (10) to an amusement park on Father's Day. Most miserable day of our relationship. I felt like I had just paid to babysit and watch everyone else have fun.

Even if it was free, I'm never doing it again unless we're alone. BF would probably try to sneak the kid along like yours is trying to do.

Absolutely not.

jswan's picture

Yep, I thought it would just be us, well for a day it will be. This is just insane! I'm telling him that we are paying 2 admissions for us, the two kids and his mom. Schikes!! We aren't made of money!!
I know my son will not want to go....he thinks the BF's kids are brats. I won't make him go if he doesn't want you think that's bad?

stepkate's picture

I wouldn't make your son go-forcing a kid to have fun never (OK, rarely) works.

jswan's picture

Well that was the problem last year, BF told her she had to try most of the rides...and she just got in a tiff and it was all downhill from there. I, personally, don't think it's right to force a child if they are truly afraid...but I certainly don't expect them to act like an ass. She was given the out by me because I told her she didn't need to get on certain rides if she was scared, but she continued to act like a whiny baby the entire day.
If they screw it up, the won't have an allowance for the rest of the year AND I can stick it to BF next time he suggests such outings.

ScornedSM's picture

There's nothing better in the world than watching your husband drag his ingrate(s) along on day vacations and watching them sit wherever, sulking and griping about everything in general whereas looking at other families having a wonderful time and appreciating everything in general.

When that kid is not really your kid to begin with, it's an added bonus feature presentation.


Why then, even keep doing it? I don't partake in these extravaganzas anymore. I never even had a honeymoon. (unless you consider that as having to partake with their kid(s.)


jswan's picture

I know, it bugs the heck out of me.

You know, he doesn't want to get married because of what the HarpieHagBM did to him and he doesn't want anymore kids...he says because we can barely handle the ones we have. I make it a point to state that it's his kids that act like this and if I was their BIOmom this would NOT happen. All he has to do is take a look at my son, he does not have any behavioral problems. He's 13 and slacks every now and again but he's not a brat. I can only imagine what BF kids are gonna be like once they reach puberty.... Sad I don't know if I can stick around for that....

ScornedSM's picture

Honestly, thinking of going anywhere at anytime with them makes me want to vomit.
I really tried for a long time but I was raised differently, as was my child who is now 19.

No offense here being a BM, BUT I can't get over the way some parents are letting their kids get away with these types of behaviors. I find it rude, disrespectful and a menace to an upcoming new generation.

I know what you are saying as far as the difference in our "own" Mine would not DARE do or say what I must listen to hear. Granted that SO is not such a wuss lately. (kind of)

ScornedSM's picture

This is my first and LAST time being a dear, horrible SM. I honestly was civil with all.

I should've listened to my friends prior though. Now I fear I am in for the long haul of it.

Live and learn, they say.

forestfairy's picture

Well, since it seems like you have no choice but to go, I would tell your BF that if they act like brats, you'll just leave them all to themselves and go have fun alone! Too bad your son doesn't want to go (although I understand why), because then you two could go off and have fun together and ditch the whiners.

jswan's picture

You bring up an interesting point....maybe I can get my son to go with me and save me!!! LOL

B's picture

I warned my DH the last time we went to Disneyland with SD... I am a Disney fan, and love Disneyland. We don't live in CA anymore and don't get to go very often, so I told him point blank that no one ruins my 'happy place' for me - applies to my bio-kids as well. When SD started to act up, I looked at my watch and told him "have fun with her, we'll meet you at 1:00 for lunch at the Tomorrowland Terrace" and walked away.

If you can get your son to go with you, do it! It's a big park, and you & your son can enjoy yourselves without their drama. Smile

jswan's picture

Thanks, B! ForestFairy brought up that same thing......I think you guys are on to something. I didn't even think about that!
I know my son and I would have a blast! We did when we went to Six Flags one year before I moved in with the BF....we had sooo much fun!