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jswan's Blog

The aftermath

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So it's like nothing happened Thursday there wasn't a huge argument or anything. Does he really think this stuff just goes away....that one day I will wake up and agree with him on everything, I won't want marriage or another child. But I'm still here so I guess subconsciously I am too??
I am just frustrated.....and I am just gonna start getting my ducks in a row.

I think it may be over......just a vent....not about skids

jswan's picture

Last night...I don't remember how we got on the topic of children , but we did and over a period of time it ended up in a full blown argument.
The problem....I want to marry and have another child(I have 1 bio-son and never married) and he does not(he's been divorced and has 2 kids). The bigger problem.....he never bothered to tell me this until AFTER we moved in together which I only agreed to do if marriage was in the horizon and he did not oppose; and never once said he didn't want more children only that it was something he would consider.

BF's daughter9

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This child will not be quiet....she feels that she has to talk every second of every hour, of every day!! It's always about her...She interrupts, she's loud and gets louder if you're not paying attention to her at that very moment. My BF and I include ALL the kids in about everything we do, we don't want them to feel excluded but there comes a time when it's just 'adult stuff'(topic of conversations...etc.) She wants to know EVERYTHING!! She could be in another room and if she didn't quite get what you said, she comes over and asks 'what?, what did you say?'

The BF's daughter's behavior this weekend......

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I hosted a baby shower for my youngest sister this past weekend. I rented a suite because I live about 2 hours away and it would be easier for me to hold it close to everyone else. This would be an overnight trip so I figured it would be the perfect opportunity for the BF's daughter and I to have some one on one time.
We left Friday night and on the car ride over all was well...she was excited, I was excited, everything was cool.

The boy and the doctor visit

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So... the Friday before the Memorial Day weekend the BF and I take his son8 to a doctor specializing in austism cases. All went well...she basically confirmed what we've been telling BM about his diet and supplements. The next step is to get extensive bloodwork and some urine tests.
We're hoping that once we get the results back and with the Doctor's recommendations, the BM will finally cooperate. The boy8 responds so well and is much more receptive and alert when we have him for the summer and put him on the GF/CF diet and give him supplements.

Oh words hurt.....

jswan's picture

The kids are here for the Summer now. The bf went and got them Thursday night but they weren't out of school until Friday. now that's another story. The mom keeping daughter9 home because she was arguing with friends and it was getting catty!!! So she keeps her home from school!!!!! Arghhhh!!!! **sigh** for another post..... So anyway, BF takes the kids to grandma's house Friday and they want to spend the night, so they do.