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The boy and the doctor visit

jswan's picture

So... the Friday before the Memorial Day weekend the BF and I take his son8 to a doctor specializing in austism cases. All went well...she basically confirmed what we've been telling BM about his diet and supplements. The next step is to get extensive bloodwork and some urine tests.
We're hoping that once we get the results back and with the Doctor's recommendations, the BM will finally cooperate. The boy8 responds so well and is much more receptive and alert when we have him for the summer and put him on the GF/CF diet and give him supplements.
So he goes back to her having made the improvements, goes back to school and the school sees the difference and starts to integrate him with typical children. The problem is that once he's with the BM he regresses. She is just too dumb or selfish and lazy to do anything about it. I swear, some people do not deserve to have children. But I digress...
My whole point of this, is that I'm excited and this is a good thing!! Smile
He's been here just over 2 weeks and we already see a difference!


StepMadre's picture

That's great! It sounds like you are on top of things. Would there be any chance that you could post on here or PM me with the diet and nutritional plan you are using? I have a twelve year old SS with Asperger's and although we feed him really healthy food, I suspect that he has allergies or foods that aggravate his autism. We can't control how he eats with BM, but I think even changing his diet with us would help and can't hurt. Anyway, if you wouldn't mind, that would be wonderful and I would be hugely grateful. Smile

jswan's picture

Well we don't give him anything with gluten which is found in barely, oat, rye and wheat. There are some other sources of gluten....I basically did alot of reading.
I found these sites useful: ---this site also has a directory of doctors, which is where I found the doctor we took him to.
Also nothing with casein , which is a milk/dairy protein.....and up until that doctor's appointment we substituted the dairy with soy, but the doctor stated that about 30% of autistic boys are allergic to soy. Right now we're trying Hemp milk...yeah, I know sounds funny. That company also makes an ice cream substitute and he absolutely loves that!
The doctor started him on B12 shots every three days and we have seen an improvement just as she stated, but she says it takes about 6 weeks to see a dramatic change.
It's a major lifestyle change but if it makes a huge difference in their lives it's worth it. Smile
Good luck!

buttercookie's picture

I have a cousin and a nephew with autism. The cousin is my SS19s age and is caring for his 16 year old brother with family checking in and helping financially. The nephew is a product of divorce and isn't doing so well. My uncle passed leaving the autistic son head of household but my uncle was consistent with him, worked with him and with family helping and allowing him to do what he can he's thriving. The nephew is being used as a missile to get back at my brother for divorcing his cheating wife, sad sad situation. Autism is hard enough to understand and deal with, mix in bad parents and it's more difficult than need be. I often wonder, autism or not why BMs fail to see how destructive they are being with their children.