Were our DHs seduced?
I typed a reply to Marianne's post about her SD's letter where, among other things, she expressed her wish that DH had asked permisdion to marry Marianne. It got me thinking. Why do these SKs believe their dad's were innocent victims of us?
Don't they understand their dad's initiated and wanted this relationship? I just dont get it.
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My OSS (before he was that)
Would snidely refer to me as "your girlfriend" to his dad. Even once we were engaged. The contempt in his voice spoke volumes. He was turning 40 at the time.
We were less than two months
We were less than two months away from our wedding and BM referred to me as "some girl you're dating."
DH had already scraped BM off of his shoe.
Her opinion, didn't matter. An X's opinion never should.
I have never been more than
I have never been more than "your woman" though it suppose that could be worse.
Oh gosh, that would have had
Oh gosh, that would have had me busting into a fit of helpless laughter and, when wiping my eyes, I'd have said, "Oh honey, didn't you know that you were just the dummy run ..."
That is infuriating.
Hopefully you put that failed family SKidult progeny in his place and have kept him there.
My husbands ex has referred
My husbands ex has referred to me as his "new wife" - like I'm some sort of trophy. She divorced him and got engaged first. Always thought that was interesting.
Stupidity cannot be understood. Don't even try.
Neither can evil or toxic. Marianne's dipshit SD is an idiot beyond all idiots IMHO. As well as self serving, manipulative and toxic. That she is so self important that she would think that her father's wife should have to ask her permission to marry her father, or that her father should have to ask her if he can remarry says far more about how much of a shit she is than anyone should want to know. Add her designs on property she does not own, and what more should anyone invest in her besides scraping the shit that she is off of one's shoe?
Failed family progeny that would think that they are owed being asked if their split parents can remarry speaks volumes of the quality of that failed family coupling and the quality of the standards their failed mate parents raised them to.
I am a man, I initiated the relationship with my bride of 28+ years. I did not know she had a 15mo old, though it was made clear almost immediately. I told her before our first date to bring him along. I would not exclude a toddler if I am interested in his mom.
No, I was not seduced. I asked her out to dinner. Neither of us were seduced. We both engaged in our early dating life and it was off to our future together from there. We were the Three Musketeers from our date
I have not had the "you stole my mom", "you broke my parents up", etc... crap to deal with. SS has no memory of my DW and the Spermidiot together. She booted the Spermidiot to the curb before SS was a year old. He had moved on to his next statutory rape victim and she caught him. So, she kicked him out.
I did not ask SS's permission to marry his mom. It would not have mattered if he had been 10, or 15, or 20yo instead of a week short of 2yo. I did not even ask my FIL. I asked my DW. She said yes.
No one else mattered.
First of all, they'd have to
First of all, they'd have to see their fathers as fully formed, individual humans. Secondly, they'd have to be able to think critically and independently of any PAS or other erroneous beliefs. Thirdly, they'd have to be emotionally healthy enough to apportion responsibility accurately, even when it's their own parent who's the "guilty party".
Nah, that's all too hard and uncomfortable. Easier just to blame the scheming witch who stole daddee away with voodoo vagina magic.
Our poor, defenceless DHs
"Stole daddee away with voodoo vagina music." Lol.
These SDs must think their poor, naive, clueless, innocent lamb Daddees were struggling along helplessly and defenselessly in the world when they were entrapped. Funny, I dont recall DH like this as HE started chatting me up nor when HE asked me out.
And.... assign daddy some devalued position.
As far as his ability to choose a life partner.
What these Skidiots don't seem to ever arrive at is, that the other parent was not of adequete partner quality to be kept.
Certainly it could be that the devalued parent was the unworthy one. Though for some reason it seems that the parent a SKid detests the most is far more likely than not the innocent one in the whole failed family dynamic. The dominant PASing parent seems to usually be the chearting dirtbag.
Nah, that's all too hard and uncomfortable. Easier just to blame the scheming witch who stole daddee away with voodoo vagina magic.
Introsepection on what made daddy relegate mommy to the past (if the X did not pass) is not something that ever seems to occur in the limited cerebral activity of these sub-decent failed family products.
You know I do wonder why the
You know I do wonder why the cheater becomes the PASer, I would think it would be the other way around and the betrayed partner would be angry.
I guess if you have the personality flaw to cheat you probably have other personality flaws that lead to PASing the kids. Maybe they don't want the kids to find out?
DH is fairly sure SD doesn't know BM cheated, he's not going to tell her unless she asks. I wish he would because otherwise she just believes that BM tells her.
The quality side usually will not victimize children.
Cheaters... are another story.
I am firmly on team... the kid should know. They should know so they can develop the ability to protect themselves from the parent. It is rare that these types of people will limit their toxicity only to cheating.
We landed on keeping the Skid informed when he would come home from SpermLand visitation with questions, at best, and at worst would be upset that his mom took him away from the Spermidiot and SpermGrandHag, was causing the three younger half sibs to starve because they could not afford to buy the younger half sibs food because his mom was forcing them to pay CS for SS, etc...
As SS's eyes opened he was shocked, angry, and learned fairly directly to call them on their bullshit in real time.
That severly curtailed their manipulation of SS.
Learning that his Spermidiot had an extensive arrest record, had cheated repeatedly on my DW, that SpermGrandHag was lying about my DW to SS, the lies about paying a ton in CS when CS was only $110/mo, countless lies, manipulations, etc.... was hard on SS but ultimately he was able to protect himslef from their toxic crap.
Kids deserve the truth, lying shit PASing cheaters... should have to have their noses rubbed into their stanky lives and the kids should be able to protect themselves as they grow into adulthood. These crappy people do not stop manipulating when kids move into adulthood. The SpermClan certainly didn't stop. SS had to keep shutting them down well into his 20s. Now, the only contact they have with him is to beg him to visit. He pretty much does not visit them. He knows that to give them any access at all will start the guilt trip trying to get him to send money to help his struggling three now adult half sibs.
Deleted duplicate
Deleted duplicate
My XW was a serial adulteress. She likely has never made the
connection on this fact in her mind as her being what she was.
As for the cheater being the one to PAS the kids.... They have to find something to feel good about so being the favorite parent by destroying the decent parent is about par for the course with these POS people. It is not about reality, it is about self delusion.
Yep, this exactly!
Which I don't blame them. My young adult self would have struggled to see my dad ( or mom) for that matter beyond their parental roles. Unless the dad was strong in explaining the change. Which is why we do often land on things being a DH problem here.
EJM, My bride loves you.
I read her this whole thread. When I got to ..... voodoo vagina magic.... my DW immediately expounded."OMG! I love her!" I told DW, "Yep, me too."
She is stull at her home office desk chuckling away a few minutes later.
My MIL is still convinced
My MIL is still convinced that her father (in his early 60s at the time of his second marriage), was tricked into marrying again after her mother died, just so his second wife could get all his money. He was married to the second wife for 25 years and she was in the same age range as her father (so, not some 20 or 30 old who married the old guy hoping he'd die soon), and she took care of him until he died, but MIL will still tell all who will listen that she got money that was supposed to go to MIL (in her mind, anyway). Both her father and his second wife lived in assisted living for years before he died and second wife lived for 15 years after he died (also in assisted living / a nursing home), so it's likely all the money was spent. Second wife had no kids and MIL stopped speaking to her after her father died, but she still brings it up. When DH started in on it, I reminded him that they are assuming that his grandfather did not make a conscious decision to provide for his wife by leaving his assets. MIL grew up very privileged and well-taken care of, but cannot get over the supposed "inheritance" she missed out on.
Sadly, those devoid of character rarely overcome the condition.
Likely that includes your MIL.
SD bragged to DH that I wasn
SD bragged to DH that I wasn't the first one to be engaged to him, and BM was. She even said BM still has the ring! DH told her point blank BM left him, refused to give the ring back and he found the love of his life (me). SD still thinks it was DH fault being brain washed and enmeshed with regretful toxic BM.
Seriously though, why the eff even tell SD this story? 'Looook SD I still have the ring your dad gave me. It's my preciouuuus' *Golem noises*
Omg move on with your life BM!!
SD needs for daddy to tell her that BM has only his past.
You and DH are the future.
If SD wants to have any presence in that future at all, she needs to put the failed family in its appropriate place.
That includes SD keeping her BM appropriately categorized when SD is participating in her father's life. That life does not include nor does it have anything to do with BM. Just as her father is not included nor does he have anything to do with SD's life with BM.
Oh don't you know? BMs we're
Oh don't you know? BMs we're our DHs true and only real love, they are just with us for sex because we're gold diggers. They have to make up some evil intentions on our part to explain why the parents aren't together, even if they were split long before we were on the scene.
Like seriously, if I were a gold digger don't you think it would pay better to find a guy that doesn't lose a chunk of his pay to CS?
My SOs oldest daughter 21 had
My SOs oldest daughter 21 had a blowup with him because he didn't talk to her about buying the house that he and I bought together 6 years ago. She actually was mad that she wasn't part of the decision.
Sure she can be part of the decision when she forks out
1/3 of the cost... lol even the home hubby bought in my name in my country of birth with his retirement money, he simply told his kids he was buying a house in my country which they assumed we were living in. The sd's did the usual "its your money do what you want with it" then they went dead silent moping because there goes a chunk of inheritance money they're pressuring and scrounging around for in entitlement
DH chased me, but I'm still
DH chased me, but I'm still the jezebel home wrecker almost 20 years later. And, no, I was not part of DH's failed marriage. But because I knew him before their marriage ended certainly it had to be my fault. It gets old.
DH explains away their rudeness by saying he hurt their feelings when he divorced their Mom. That makes no sense at ALL.
SD cried when he told her we were getting married. At least he didn't ask her permission.
I think there are usually a
I think there are usually a few things going on in cases like this.
1. There is usually a force that is conspiring against the relationship.. maybe BM.. maybe other relatives.. even the guy's own mother can be "anti's". It's easy for them to shade the dynamic against the new wife.. and it's easy for them to paint the narrative that the "new wife" is stealing their daddy.
2. Kids do not.. even as they start to have their own relationships.. understand the complexities of relationships.. and the fact that their parents are individuals.. with their own hopes and dreams of life. They are more than just "daddy".. and their purpose in life is more than to sacrifice all for their kids. That adult relationships are hard.. and staying together for the kids is often very difficult.. and your parents only have one life..and they deserve to be happy too.. but kids don't see that part of things.
3. Sometimes parents treat their kids.. on a more equal dynamic.. which means they feel like they are entitled to weigh in on things.. like their parent's relationship... and that is often put in their heads by someone.. (see number one).
Even adult kids.....
I worked for a very smart, mature man. He was concerned about his elderly widowed father who had hooked up with "the town slut". It sounded like she was caring for him but my boss never had a good word. I laughed to myself as another evil predatory SM. I tried to explain that kids don't like the SMs, they could be Mother Teresa and it wouldn't make a difference.
A few things that often rear
A few things that often rear their heads.. even with "smart" adults.
1. Inheritance issues.. they realize that the new partner may siphon away money or property that they felt was their right to recieve after their parents pass.. and even worse.. if the stepparent has kids of their own that the stepparent will leave things to their own kids.. leaving the "rightful heirs" in the dust. My father and their brothers received very little from their father.. stepmom inherited the bulk of everything.. when she died a few years ago at 99 ... and despite the fact that my father actually had mantained a good relationship with her.. she left all her wealth to her two sons.. none to the 4 boys.. nor their families. And.. sure.. inheritance isn't an entitlement.. but you have to think that their father would have hoped that all of his kids would have equally benefitted.. instead of only one of his sons.. and his wife's son from a prior relationship (his stepson). But.. he died without good planning for that in place.. and she got to make the decision.
2. Hurt/resentment by association on behalf of their "sainted mother". My Aunt's kids sided with her in the divorce.. dad was a bit of a drinker carouser.. and she was the one that nurtured the family.. till dad left with "the floozy".. who was probably not so much the floozy as dad was the cad. The kids are mad at dad for doing what he has done.. and maybe have huge blind spots to their father's failings.. and fact that things are not always as simple as we would like to believe..
I think there are a lot of
I think there are a lot of factors at play in these situations, and each SK who thinks this way picks and chooses which reasons (or is subconsciously informed by them).
While divorce rates are huge, we still live in a culture where monogamy is the gold standard and first "real" relationships should be "til death do you part". Society also views having kids as being THE most sacred thing two people can do, so marriage and relationships end up playing second fiddle to kids (see all the shotgun weddings and proposals that happen after someone gets knocked up). So when a lot of your media says "kids are #1, marriage is #2, and the first marriage only ends when both parties die" from the time you can pay attention to a TV show, it's super easy to see how kids take that in and use it to form their very first ideas of what family and relationships should be.
Now, toss in the portrayals of "not healthy" families and relationships. Stepmoms are evil but stepdads are put on a pedestal just for existing. The only people who cheat are men and it's always with someone younger just looking for a payday. Single moms end up poor and working themselves to death just to put food on the table because dad is a deadbeat who pays the bare minimum while living in a mansion with his new wife and baby, driving a $70k new truck.
All it takes is ONE parent upholding that narrative, even falsely, for a kid to internalize and solidify that. Hard not to when everything around you says that's how it always happens. Mom couldn't have cheated because women don't cheat! Mom and Dad HAD to be in love because they had me! My new SM HAS to be evil because my dad HAS to be a deadbeat and no one wants a deadbeat except evil people! My SF HAS to be awesome because he saved my mom from a life of poverty and he calls me Sport!
It's the same way you teach kids to be racist or sexist or prejudiced in some way. The adults have some ill-informed view of the world, they perpetuate that through their own world view, they reinforce it in kids, and kids grow up to repeat the cycle. Even in the face of contrary evidence, they'll hold that belief.
And the funny part is, they won't hold that belief for everyone. "Oh JRI (using you as the example since you mentioned it), you're one of the GOOD SMs! I know you personally and you'd NEVER be like my SM!" Sounds really similar to someone saying "Oh so-and-so, I'm fine with YOU being gay because you're not flamboyant like those OTHER gays."
By the time someone is an adult, they'll have to use their own critical thinking to break down their own prejudices against their SP. They also have to realize that even if their parents were still married that there was no guarantee that there would be anything to inherit if money is their driving factor. My MIL was bleeding my FIL dry while they were married. My mom and dad would have tit-for-tatted down to the last penny. ET would have continued to take out loans in DH's name and killed both their credit and drained his savings trying to stay afloat. Even when both parties are great with money management, all it takes is a bad market, a layoff, medical bills, long-term health problems - hell, even just living longer than expected - to kill any inheritance that might have existed. But, I think that is a separate issue from SKs. All kids need to pump the brakes on expecting inheritance from their parents.
I would say this about
I would say this about inheritance.. I think that logically.. we get behind the notion that life happens.. and our parents may NEED the money and investments they earned over their lifetime. But.. I think it's also pretty true that parents themselves hope to leave some legacy.. nest egg etc.. to their kids (not all..but I would still say this is a fairly common goal). They likely hope that even if they have remarried.. that their spouse follow their wishes to the extent that there will be something left.. to be equitably distributed... to their kids.. even if they predecease their spouse (that is not the parent of their kids). Unfortunately.. many people don't put the proper plans and tools in place to make sure that their ultimate wishes are followed... and leave it to luck that their kids will be treated fairly down the line.
And.. yes.. it gets complicated because relationships between skids and sparents can be complicated... and it can be easy for conflict and estrangement to be part of these dynamics.. and it often works both ways.. as to the drivers of the conflicts.. and there are often outside influences that punish the skids for any relationship they may have with their stepparent (cough.. cough.. PAS.. BM..lol).
So.. yeah.. an inheritance is not an automatic gimme.. but then again..there can be wealth left.. and when it is now ending up in a stepsibling's hands.. knowing that was something your parent may have wanted for you? I can definitely understand the resentment.
My opinion
I think SKs refuse to believe that their dads are sexual people.
Definitely. It's always when
Definitely. It's always when dad wants to take SM on a honeymoon or when ours baby arrives that stepkids lose it. At that point they have to accept dad has sex and it's with someone other than BM.
If BM has an ours baby with a stepdad it's always seen as wholesome and a healing of the family but if dad does it the first family is erased.
I wish someone would compile all these narratives that stepkids get fed together so new stepparents know what to look for at each stage.
For us there was a little overlap
Toxic Troll had her online men and swore that nothing was ever physical, until he made a "catfish date" with her.
So he kicked her out, and paid for her first month and deposit, and helped her move her stuff.
But she had a new boyfriend around the time we made things monogamous and official. Shes a total hypocrit in everything. She didnt want to meet me for the first two months, and so I did not meet the children the first two months of our relationship - that is until she moved one of her men in with her, THEN I could meet them.
Of course according to Sd23 Feral Forger, I "took" her father away from her from since the beginning. Sure.
They judge everybody by their
They judge everybody by their own standards. Meaning, if they married someone, it would be for financial gain, so anyone who marries has to be a predator, in their minds.
Shortly after DH and I started dating, Satan tried to put the kabosh on our relationship. She told him I was cozying up to him so I could get my hands on the crappy knick-knacks she still had stored in his house. In the same conversation, she was also jealous that the two of us had enough funds to dine out together, and referred to me as his sugar momma. DH and I are both educated professionals, we both make good salaries and live well within our means, whereas Satan only worked PT in retail. I wasn't in the least bit interested in her crappy keepsakes.
Later in the relationship she tried to goad him into thinking we were codependent for spending time together. She'd make stupid statements like, "What are you, joined at the hip??" She was living with Mealticket strictly for his salary and she wasn't shy about admitting it. She preferred to spend the least amount of time with him as necessary, and after the initial affair, she bragged to people that she was no longer required to have sex with him. She seemed to assume this was normal.
The bottom line is, she cannot comprehend a relationship based on mutual affection, and companionship based on honesty, respect, and trust. Everything is transactional in her world.
Also, to some extent, some of them believe woman don't bring anything to a relationship. In their worlds, men are marks and women are gold diggers. In reality, when we married I had six-figure net worth, all my children were grown, and I made a good living. DH made a good living, but he was thousands in the hole, still paying CS, and had court costs and daycare expenses. You can bet your sweet bippy Killjoy is not getting any of my pre-marital assets. Whether she gets a portion of our joint assets is still undecided.
But will Killjoy get the knicknacks? That's the most valuable asset. Lol.
Funny you should ask
The disney figurine collection was ostensibly purchased as an investment on behalf of the chiiiild when she was an infant. They were specifically named in the divorce decree to go to Satan. But she liked to leave them in his house so she would have excuse to accuse him of stealing them over and over, apparantly, for years.
So after the crazy conversation, I told DH that if one or both of us are sleazy thieving azzholes, Satan's getting Killjoy's highly valuable shidt out of his house should be a top priority for her. She would be required to pick her crap up out of his garage this week, and then I didn't want to hear another effing word about any of her stuff. I also warned him not to allow her in the house.
Well, he set an appointment for her to come, and of course he allowed her into the house to snoop, which pissed me off. Months later, she started new drama about needing cash for xmas, implying DH should just give her money, and when that didn't work, she demanded to sell the piano he had sitting in his living room. So he left the house unlocked so she and a mover could come remove "her" piano. Grr.
Then, quelle surprise, she started making rumblings about DH threatening or assaulting her, or maybe me or my son threatening or assaulting her, or her child, and she was thinking about getting a restraining order saying I and/or my son weren't allowed in "her" (DH's) house, or near her dogs (the ones she left in DH's care, and didn't contribute a dime for), or around her child, in that order. It was all a bit vague, because, you know, plausible deniability, "I didn't say that...".
After all that, she wasn't allowed near his house anymore, and he stopped taking her calls.
Years went by, Killjoy got kicked out of our house. DH told her she should ask Satan what she would contribute to her continuing education. Told her about "her" disney collectibles. Oh, Satan hocked those years ago. She probably got pennies on the dollar. It most likely wasn't even during lean times, she just needed her fix. Shocking, I know.
During covid, Satan took advantage of eviction moratorium to stiff her landlord, even though her income didn't change, because she'd gotten on ssdi for "depression". She also scammed $32k from UI, a Class G felony, but they haven't prosecuted her. You'd think she would have some money left, but no, she blew it all on donuts, cappucinos, quaint upscale candy stores, and lottery tickets. She's an overgrown toddler.
That is assuming that they have standards.
Many don't.
Though they likely do not possess the brains to recognize that they have no standards.