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the Mister: "this Kid is exhausting."

joanie's picture

the mister is up at his house on his own, has the Kid for this week (til Monday)

yesterday he texts me "this kid is exhausting, between cooking and dishes and laundry and keeping him entertained im worn out"

I just wrote back 'i didn't realize 9 year olds needed constant entertainment, at that age I spent a lot of time alone amusing myself"

the mister replied 'i am aiming to get him more independent, he knows how to do dishes now, after today"

at that I called him. turns out he took a page from my book, and now every time the kid interrupts to seek attention he puts him onto a chore immediately. he's got the kid making his own lunch, doing dishes, and cleaning his room.

I was a little surprised; he was just giving him attention for his interruptions during the week and a half I spent with them. I guess being on his own with the kid was enough for him to see it.

he also said "parenting is a two person job" and I said "gold thing bm has a steady boyfriend, huh?" and he said "hell yeah."

I reiterated that I don't have or want kids for that very reason and he said "oh totally. it burns me up that I didn't get a freaking choice."

so...that was funny.

I hope he keeps up the "independence training". also I heard the first complaint about stuff going missing at bm's which I wasgladi read about here before it happened. he "lost" a game over there and the mister was complaining about it. I just said "well, I guess you shouldn't send anything back with him that you bought, huh?"


shielded2009's picture

"I reiterated that I don't have or want kids for that very reason and he said "oh totally. it burns me up that I didn't get a freaking choice."

Huh? He didn't get a choice? Was he raped and forced to carry a child OR he just didn't strap up? He had a

joanie's picture

in a serious relationship, like a marriage, there is a level of trust which allows one to believe their partner about things such as birth control. if that trust is violated, then no, it was not a choice.

any rate today the Kid made his own breakfast and lunch. and then the Mister took him swimming. so the whole independence thing seems to be going well.

shielded2009's picture

in a serious relationship, like a marriage, there is a level of trust which allows one to believe their partner about things such as birth control. if that trust is violated, then no, it was not a choice.

Sooooo...It was his exes responsibility to take care of birth control and not theirs TOGETHER?? It was all her fault? Really? ANY TIME you have SEX you run the risk of pregnancy regardless of who is on birth control and if somebody did or didn't lie about it or whatever... Hmmm...still not buying it...but whatevs...If you're fine with a man not taking ANY responsibility for dropping the bomb in somebody REGARDLESS of the situation, then eh... Wink

joanie's picture

paying child support and attending to the kids needs as best he can...yeah, he takes responsibility for having sex with someone who lied to him.

and no, actually having a kid is not a risk everytime you have sex. it's a risk every time you have sex with someone who has lied about their intentions and their willingness to take the burden of north control and abortion as a backup.

joanie's picture

and yes- the Kid is an attention seeker. there are times for him to be the center of attention and then there's the rest of the time, which he spends interrupting, acting out, and pleading for entertainment. also, the mister says he cannot get anything done without interruption.

so yeah. he needs to learn to entertain himself.