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Irrelevantme's Blog

IrrelevantMe's Update - THANK YOU

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Thank you to everyone who took the time out to offer me some perspective on my situation from yesterday regarding my SO and his kids. I thought long and hard and decided that I didn't want to bring in 2015 with a man who ignores me or kids who are sanctioned to do the same. I gave him two weeks to move out and find a place of his own. I spend most of the day reading the stories on this site. Many of them could have been written by me. Without knowing my backstory, you all nailed my situation to a tee!

New and in need of perspective

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I am a new member and wanted to thank anyone in advance who is kind enough to respond or offer up their "take" on the following scenerio. I have a SO of almost 3 years. He has two daughters SD4 and SD8. He and I have been having "issues" without going into too much detail. With that said, this is what happened on Christmas. My mother and I gave the children several gifts for Christmas. The kids never said thank you. Their father sat there beaming from ear to ear taking photos of them while opening the gifts they received.