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Is it normal...?

inyoureyesIcaughtfire's picture not be interested in anything your step child does/says? I mean, I've learned to not "hate" my step daughter simply because of the fact she came out of my boyfriend's previous marriage, but I would by lying if I said I enjoyed the responsibility of watching her. Of course my boyfriend always thinks the things my stepdaughter does or says are the cutest thing ever, but I am just not interested in doting about her. I am just not excited because she's not mine...


newbiemommy's picture

Honestly, I'm worse than that. Everything that comes from her mouth annoys me. I DO NOT think an 11 year old that cannot soak properly is cute! Why should you have an interest in that child? Who is she to you? What other children of absolutely no relation to you do you have an interest in?

Not_Having_Fun's picture

I agree with all the above.

I'm actually the same as newbiemommy - everything that comes out just annoys me. I am hoping that I change the way I feel when SD9 is older & more mature. Right now though I'm definitely not interested at all!

Doesn't help that a lot of what is said is lies & manipulation.

Imgoingtoscream's picture

I agree with all of the above as well. This is a totally normal feeling. My SD11 annoys the shit out of me. Everything she does. I can't even look at her without getting annoyed. Hell I can't look at a picture of her without getting annoyed. My DH thinks she's tops! She's just so sweet and loving and would do anything for anyone. WTF ever! If it means she'll get something out of it she'll do anything for anyone! She's a little bitch no matter how you put it and he doesn't see it because he's wrapped around her finger. If I knew then what I know now I would have NEVER gotten married. NEVER. Just ask yourself if you can handle this kid for the rest of your life...this may be a sign that you should rethink things.