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Grown kids

in_the_middle's picture

When your husband and 21 year old son don't get along, where should I stand? I love them both.


stepmom2one's picture

don't stand between them!

Let them handle it. Refuse to speak to H about BS and refuse to talk to BS and H.

They are old enough to deal with it.

in_the_middle's picture

The reason I feel stuck is bc my son has alot of issues of his own, and with my husband, and was staying in our house. Until Christmas night that is, thay had a fight that got physical, and my son was sent to jail for elegidly punching my husband, and remains there. My husband of course is very angry, and my son thinks he is coming back to our home when he gets out. I have not spoke to him regarding this, but I don't want to see my son on the street, that is where I put myself in the middle. ???

stepmom2one's picture

He can't live with you and DH. No way, it is not working and it is not going to work.

He is 21, it is time for him to call family (other family) otherwise it is going to get even worse. Sorry but there is no other solution I can see..... hopefully someone else will have an idea for you.