Why is it always my fault????
Been with my husband for 3 1/2 years - married for almost one. Step daughter will be 18 in March. She lives with us all the time. No real relationship with her mom. At first things were pretty good but I don't know what has happened. There has always been an issue with her not helping around the house. He told me to make a chore list - so I did but he refuses to make her do the chores and then when I pitch a fit he gets mad at me. She does NOTHING but lay in bed all the time. She comes home from school and goes to sleep - gets up to eat and then goes right back to her room. Weekends she is locked up in her room the whole time unless her and her boyfriend go gab something to eat. Altho when he is there dad makes her leave the door cracked. Dad works Monday thru Friday 9-5 and I work rotating night shifts and clean a house every Friday. I get so irritated having to come home and clean the house knowing she does nothing but lay up in her bed. Anytime I mention anything to dad he gets mad at me. Lately I can't say anything about her without him getting mad at me for it. She plays with her makeup and wastes it so when she's out she comes in my bathroom and takes mine. Just the other day I had to go digging in her room for MY tweezers. She doesn't ask to borrow things and doesn't even return them. But yet - he gets mad at me! She has no desire to look for a job. Got a truck for Christmas a year ago that sits in my garage because she has no desire to get her license. I can't park in my own garage because of her truck.
I have 2 boys, 25 and 22. But of course the rules are different for them. The 25 year old just moved in with us temporarily and the 22 year old is in the Army. If I say something about her not doing her chores he pops off and says she's not the only one that lives here. Well my 25 year old is a neat freak and does clean up.
She did nothing the whole 2 weeks she was on Christmas Break. She will walk right past me to go find her dad and sometimes even ask where he is just to go ask him something she could easily ask me.
I just don't know what to do at this point. It's causing serious anger and resentment problems for me. He does nothing to enforce any rules for her and pretty much gets whatever she wants. I'm tired of being made to feel like I am the bad guy here.
I love him so much and we have absolutely no problems in our marriage except when it comes to her. I have tried to ignore it and not let it get to me but it's getting to the point I'm ready to explode. It's like he would rather have me mad than do anything to make her mad. I am ready to throw in the towel and let them have it.
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One thing I have learned is
One thing I have learned is that as stepparents, everything wil lalways be our fault, whether it actually is or not. We will always be the whipping boy (or girl). Always, always.
If her dad isn't bothering to do anything about her, things won't change. IMO, she needs to move out. She's a legal adult, and if she can't pitch in, buh-bye.
I don't think she will ever
I don't think she will ever move out and he won't make her. My kids had rules to follow and chores to do or they weren't allowed to do anything. I have never seen someone sleep so much. I also just found sleep aid pills in her room. Well if she didn't come home and take 3 hour naps after school she wouldn't need sleep aid pills.
I can't even look at her anymore. Her presence just makes me so angry.
ugh I wish mine would get to
ugh I wish mine would get to the point but hes so quick to defend her. She just makes me sick!!
Geesh, she sounds JUST like
Geesh, she sounds JUST like my SD15. The girl has NEVER lifted a finger to do anything to help out around the house. She is a nasty, filthy, slob and DH does nothing about it. We have been in our home a little over two years now, I take great pride in our home, it is ALWAYS clean and tidy. It's a newer construction and very beautiful, so sorry DH if I get a little pissed about SD15 nasty room and bathroom. (dirty dishes, garbage, clothes, etc everywhere) Now, when she was living with BM, DH would bitch about how nasty their house was, how he had gone in SD15 room a couple of times and it was disgusting. But now apparently, that she is under OUR roof, that is OK?? Nobody in our home can take a bath anymore, because only one bathroom has a bathtub and that is the bathroom that only SHE uses and it's disgusting and I refuse to clean it and DH won't make her. BS4 will comment on SD15 "nasty room" I remember one time over the summer, he and I were walking a trail in our area and there was this swampy part where the water smelled really bad. I made a comment about how nasty the water was and BS (who was 3 at the time) said "Oh, like SD15?" Even HE knows, but still DH does nothing about it. I hate the double standard crap, but have given up on fighting about it.
I finally had to get a little nasty and lay the law down with my DH about the "borrowing" stuff. This is how it would go down: SD15 (who refuses to speak to me) would go to DH and ask if I had a sweater, or makeup, or shampoo, or nail polish or what the fuck ever that she could "borrow" Well I KNOW how she takes care of her things. I KNOW that if let something of mine go into her room or bathroom I will NEVER see it again or if I do see it again, it will be trashed. So I would always tell DH "no" Then he would get pissed at ME. I finally said this is ridiculous, how bout you just stop asking me. I don't want to "loan" my things, I'm a selfish bitch. I don't want to be put on the spot by you asking me and me feeling like I have to say yes, or you're going to get pissed, so just stop asking. So far, so good, that has worked.
My biggest problem is that I feel like SD15 is NEVER going to leave, never going to be self sufficient because DH and BM have crippled her by not expecting her to even simply clean up after HERSELF! But again, I have given up this battle. But I totally agree with you that is causes resentment and lots of it. It just sucks to have your happy home taken over and you can't do anything about it.
HAHA probably! funny thing
HAHA probably! funny thing is she moved in with us in 2012 for about 4 months. She and DH ended up getting into a little tift and she got in a snit and ran back to BM. However, BM lives in a different school district than us and SD wanted to keep going to the school in our district. So she conned some gals mother (who is an acquaintance of mine) to let her live with them, so she could keep going to the same school. I KNOW that she gave her little sob story about how terrible Daizy is, how her dad "yelled" at her, blah blah blah. They stupidly fell for it. It lasted about 3 months and ended badly. The mother actually messaged me and told me how hurt they were that she used them, and how much money they spent on her and how they treated her so well and then she ran back to BM.
DH doesn't get that this is going to be SD M.O. for life. She's not going to change. She is a user and a manipulator. If that was MY kid, I'd be wanting to "fix" that or at the very least TRY!
can't happen soon enough!!!!
can't happen soon enough!!!!

The solution to her room
The solution to her room being messy is to close the door. I was asked the other day why I even go in there. I said well first of all...this is my house...second of all I pay the effin bills and will go in any damn room I wanna to in...is that a good enough reason!!
She leaves dirty wet towels all over the floor, dirty panties scattered all over the floor, when she finally does wash she washes 5 loads of clothes and still has dirty clothes everywhere. Shes down right disgusting. BUT has to take 2 and 3 showers a day - hence going through extra soap and shampoo!! She text one night and asked if she could borrow one of my shirts I bought before we went on honeymoon in Aruba. I asked what shirt so she sends a pic of MY shirt hanging in her room. I said no. She texts back and says "i really didn't think it would be a big deal so i wore it anyway - we already left the house". I WAS FURIOUS!!!!! And of course - guess who got mad at me?? Yup - his daughter goes in MY closet and takes it upon herself to get my clothes without my permission and its my fault. I said how would you like it if my boys did that to you or always came and got your stuff and didn't return it - no comment of course!!!
The resentment towards him is growing quickly.
i guess so
i guess so
I'm the one that supplies
I'm the one that supplies health insurance for the little brat. I'm the one that has to make arrangements on my day off to pick her up from school because she is too good to ride the bus and too lazy to get her license!! But yet everything is my fault and I don't like her!!