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iamlosingit's Blog

OMG it's Deja Vu with my family all over again....

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You guys aren't going to believe this.

Guess who texted me that she's hosting Thanksgiving again this year? My cousin that lives over two hours away!

This is seriously Deja Vu...

Cousin is hosting Thanksgiving, "Rich Aunt" JUST replaced trained guard dog last month so she will be "unavailable" to drive my mom and brother due to her husband driving with dog and her having to drive my grandparents....

SS "birthday weekend"

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So...this weekend is SS birthday.  The friends with kids that went camping with us over the summer are coming over to spend the night and the kids (only 3 total including ss) are going to watch movies and play games. Then tomorrow DH family is coming over for cake and ice cream before we have to drop off ss to bm at 4....then pick up ss same day at 8p.m.   I'm worried because MIL has already commented on the time of the party via text (since it is only from 1-3:30) "but why can't we stay up all night, order pizza, watch movies, eat brownies, drink pop, etc?" Gee MIL I don't know...maybe bec

Vent to SS that I will never say.....

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1. You are not a baby anymore.  Talk like a G'damn human being and quit with the "miwk, dwink, pway, gwass, wub, etc" before I go insane.  Most kids do this in single digit years.  You started talking like a moron at 10. 

2. Flush. Your. F'ing. Toilet-paper.  I understand it is hard to un-wire 8 years of BM (TP wrecks the pipes!!!) out of  your head. But for the love-of-God STOP throwing your piss-shyt-stained-TP in the GARBAGE CAN!!! IT STINKS!! WE HAVE 1 BATHROOM!!

OT-I had a breakthrough with mom...HELP?

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DH and I watched the movie 'A Beautiful Mind'.  For those of you who haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.  As we were watching, I was seeing a lot of the main characters symptoms were the exact same as my mom.  I had recently received a list of her medications from my grandma when we picked up mom and MIL for a birthday brunch, so I googled every single medication on a reputable clinic website. 

Funny how BM rules don't apply to DH

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I love how for the regular schedule when we drop off SS at 5 on Sunday...if we have a large late lunch (SS has no bedtime, wakes up around 10 a.m.) and if SS isn't hungry..he won't eat a full dinner before drop off.  BM throws a fit and guilt trips DH to no end.  However...this holiday schedule we pick SS up at 630...and he hasn't eaten a gdamn thing.  Same with a 9p.m. pick up for certain holidays.  She would rather starve SS and guilt trip DH.  WTF happened to parents actually PARENTING. REALLY BM???

FFS MIL!!!! -vent

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Just this past weekend it was another glorious skid weekend.  Thurs DH and I went out to eat last minute because he was "in another mood" of his again.  In the parking lot there was a desk that someone had abandoned.  DH decided that he was going to fix it up and give it to his grandmother as a gift because she had been looking for a new desk.

He picks up skid on Friday and they take the desk apart and start painting/spray painting etc with DH taking about a million pictures to post on FB to brag about "what a good painter ss is" etc *VOMIT*
