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I'm bored (you guys are pretty much my only "friends" ) LOL

IAmALady77's picture

Update to earlier:

So tells BM that he will switch days and take SD on Monday instead of his usual Sunday because it is mothers day and SD should rightfully spend time with her "mother".
Whatever, his choice I am ok with that.

BM then wants to know if he is working Monday night. He tells her that yes he works every Monday night but he is going to work his schedule around so that he can take SD.

An hour long text marathon ensues (just BM) about why would SO tell her that he was working Monday but then turn around and say he can take SD? blahblahblah (SHE IS BATSHIT CRAZY)

she could be standing in the rain and want to argue with you about how sunny and beautiful it is outside. THAT is her effing logic. Whatever, he just ignores her.

She then goes on to say that if she catches him at work Monday that he will be in contempt and go to jail THAT NIGHT.

OK. He is only switching days to convienence you!

And yes, he will be at work that night because we are poor and he can not afford to take an entire night off (but we wont tell her that because then she wont let him have SD)

BUT it is none of her damn business. She does NOT have right of refusal. It is NOT her call whether SO has to be present for his entire visitation period.

SO will be going to work after SD is in bed anyway.

Whatever she is soooooo STUPID LOL

In other news, I just dusted my entire house, including the ceilings lol, what a fantastic night!


purpledaisies's picture

Then tell her that if she wants act like that then he won't switch and he was only doing it to help her and be nice since it is mother's day...BUT if she doesn't want it then no big deal he will pick sd up sunday then. }:)

IAmALady77's picture

Wouldn't have worked. She kept telling him that he needed to take her on a day he had off or just forfeit his Sunday and that she was basically giving him a free day. LOL really? no. not even close. It's ok, I will be here Monday night waiting for the police to show up Smile CAn't wait Wink oh yes, with the CO and texts in hand lol

IAmALady77's picture

Also he doesn't HAVE nights off except Sunday.....duh, freaking moron thats why Sundays are in the CO.

IAmALady77's picture

Another update: Just checked both mine and SO's FB accounts and guess what?! BM had us both unblocked! HILARIOUS Biggrin I was right! She was unblocking us so she could stalk our stuff periodically LOLOLOL. BEAT HER TO THE CHASE THIS TIME and SHE is now blocked on BOTH of our accounts. What a loser Biggrin