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onebright1's picture

Gotta keep records somehow. I tend to forget and move past things fairly easily. So I need records for my sanity.
SO gets a call from the dentist yesterday. They cant reach BM and have been trying for days. Left msgs, etc. so they call him. 4 of the 5 SKIDS have dentist appts for cleanings and exams. She scheduled it when she was there 6 mos ago. SO is no contact with BM so he goes to work this morn. Then leaves work, picks one up at the High school and the other 3 at their school, takes them to dentist. Then back to school. The Whinerbully says oh is today the 17th, dad says yeah, she says yeah we have dental appts. See, BM just had twin illegitamates 2 weeks ago and convienently forgot to text him about the appts.She text him EVERYHTHING else tho, like " pick up the kids for me,and Your gf is a whore, and your gfs kid is not your daughter, and and and....
anyway, whatever, his kids if he wants to jump everytime BM says jump then GO FOR IT, But but but, now because he had to leave work then now he has to go back and cant leave til he is finished with putting the machine back together that he had apart, I have to go open the restaurant for him with my BD8 and work with her there on my only nite off and wait for him to show up whenever. Plus I got tired of seeing the disusting nasty mess in skids room so I went in and spent 3 hours on cleaning it this morning and when he called and I told him I got their room clean and how nice it looks he says " whatever, they are just gonna bitch cuz you moved things, why dont you clean the pool for them so they can swim when they get there this afternoon after school and when you get done at the Restaurant you can hang out there with them while I work".......... wtf? seriously? I said " so you are asking me to stay home alone with Whinerbully and the twins ?" he says, "well my mom will be there too." Uh ok.
Guess when I get done at the Restaurant, I will take BD and head to my parents to hang out.... and she will be ticked cuz she wants to play with the twins, but I just cant chance being alone with them,,,, cant do it.
We discussed it yet he keeps putting me in that position.


DaizyDuke's picture

Wait, why would BMs twins be at YOUR house? Am I reading this wrong, or am I just not too bright today? Sorry!