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SD6 had done a total 180, for the worst

hipster54's picture

This is the first time I post. I don't know what to do or if the feelings I'm having are justified. I have been in a relationship with my BF for over a year and we were friends for about a decade before we decided to date. He married his girlfriend from high school about 6 years ago because it was his duty as a man, since he got her pregnant. At the time we were friends and I was one of many friends who advised him against this. He was 21 and she was 20 at the time and since high school their relationship had been far from great. Always breaking up, fighting, just really dysfunctional. So him marrying her was not going to make it all better. Long story short, the marriage lasted a year and two months and she filed for divorce. She tried so hard to get him to settle down, buy a home, become super soccer dad and doting husband, all at the age of 22 when she knew he never even wanted to marry her out of love. Well fast forward to now, 6 years later and she's been making our lives miserable. We admitted to one another that we had always had feelings for each other even though our lives were on totally different paths. 3 years ago we decided to date and a little over a year ago we made it official and bought a home together. We are now anticipating to marry around April 2010. Let me stress, I have been in his life for a long time and I didn't want to meet his little girl until we knew for sure that we were in this for the long run. I met her December of 2008, when she was five. It took her about a month or two to warm up to me and then after that we began to slowly bond. It was great. Two months ago we moved into our new home and her behavior has completely changed. She does not talk to me when I talk to her or she'll roll her eyes and make an ugly face when she talks to me. When I ask her to pass me or hand me something, she throws it rather than hands it. We were sick with the flu a month ago and BM didn't want to swap weekends, she still sent her. Cue the spoiled 6 year old who won't stop crying and whining because me and BF are in bed all day with the flu and we're sick. When I had my Lasik procedure, it was done on the Friday that we had to pick her up. Of course BF had to help me around for the rest of the day as I couldn't really do much for 24 hours. If he'd hug me or get something for me, she would say "not fair" or complain that her eyes hurt too. We threw he a party at our home for her birthday that cost us 500 dollars, 250 of those came out of my pocket. This after she had a party with BM and her family. Well she was horrid, did not smile, cried throughout the party. Didn't thank guests for their gifts and had "stink face" the entire time. I did not get one good picture of her opening a present with her father. Not one. It made me so mad. She's started doing this whole crying bit where if she doesn't get what she wants or if we don't do what she wants, when she wants it, she'll start crying bloody murder. Then my BF caves in and caters to her whim because he "doesn't want to see his princess cry". This pisses me off beyond belief. his comments of "my princess can have whatever she wants" or "we will do whatever my lovey wants to do" makes me so mad. I can't say a thing because I'm only the girlfriend right now, but dammit it's my house too. She needs to have rules and consequences at our home as well. BM is a bitter bitch to say the least. Always making comments about us living our happy little stupid lives in our stupid little home. She's pissed because when she snaps her fingers my BF doesn't jump anymore. She has started talking bad to SD6 about us and now when she comes over she's just awful. Hell she's missed the last 3 scheduled weekends with us because BM makes herself conveniently unavailable at the time of pick up. Or when we talk to SD6 on the phone we can hear BM in the background telling her what to say. Which I can tell confuses the hell out of SD. I've become disengaged. I no longer care whether we get her or not, and secretly enjoy not having her in our home when her mom doesn't answer our calls or her door when it's our weekend to have her. I'm starting to dread the Fridays when we have to pick her up. I always hear BM make comments like "she wouldn't know because she doesn't have kids". Well guess what stupid bitch? I love kids, I just don't want any of my own and have been responsible enough to take proper care of myself in order to NOT have them. BM also posts up all her drama and talks shit about BF on her myspace profile which makes him look like he's a deadbeat dad, which he is not. He is at his wits end, she doesn't compromise and is intent on making his life a living hell for moving on. He's tried so hard to just make it work for the sake of his little girl and BM is just a bitch. He makes me upset because he doesn't enforce his visitation rights and the right to know all info pertaining to SD6, such as school progress, doctor's appointments, and therapist appointments. Yes! BM is making her see a therapist because she claims that my BF has led SD6 to have abandonment issues. He tries to see her! BM is just starting to use Parental Alienation tactics. I should know, I have a BS in Psychology and I know what she's trying to do. I just can't seem to make BF open his eyes. She's constantly on my myspace profile trying to dig for things. My page is private but if I change my status mood to reflect how I'm feeling on any particular day, she in turn thinks I'm referring to her and talks shit on hers. I'm starting to think "What the hell did I get myself into?" SORRY SO LONG. Just needed to vent. I'm to the point that I am indifferent to SD6. I don't care if she comes over and I don't care if we don't get to have her anymore.


Kb3Hooah's picture

When BF and I first moved in together the skids didn't like it. Partly b/c BM would speak negatively about me to them, and partly b/c they thought I was going to take up their time with their daddy. It took some time, but once they saw that I wasn't this evil person, and that they had plenty of time to spend with their daddy, they started to come around. Alot of things they still do that irritates me, but I have to step back and ask myself if this is something that even my own child would do, or if I would take offense if it was my child doing it, if it is, and I realize that, it's alot easier to not take their behavior so personally.

I usually disengage when their attitude isn't at their best, I will find things to do around the house to occupy my time, and I won't engage in conversations with them if it is clear they don't want to speak to me. I also tried to stop pointing out their bad behavior to BF because he became more aware of it himself when I wasn't pointing things out, doing this I believe made him feel like he was under attack, so his natural response was to defend.

As far as what BM says, don't inquire about it, and you won't know. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss!!! Also, avoid checking out her myspace, this goes back to the ignorance is bliss, what you don't know can't make you mad.

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

Pantera's picture

Here's how my ss progressed. Loved me at first, DH and I moved into an apartment together and he got a little stand offish, DH bought a house together he remained stand offish, DH and I got engaged ss got a little worse, DH and I got married and everything turned to crap. SS9's fantasy of mommy and daddy getting back together (they were separated for 2 years before I met DH) was crushed so he tried to put a wedge between us and it worked for a little while. Once crap hit the fan and I disengaged, DH stepped up and did his job and stopped guilt parenting. The crying thing will never stop if your BF keeps feeding into it, its called manipulation and kids of divorced parents are masters at it. We have also noticed that ss's behavior gets worse when he sees BM (which is rarely).

I also agree with middlemom. This sounds like 2 possibilities, she is afraid that you will take her "daddy time" or you have crushed the possiblity of her parents getting back together (in her mind).

hipster54's picture

Thanks to all for your advice. All good points.

vickmeister, I know I sound like I'm a big contradiction. I think in the midst of venting and typing I didn't come across clearly. I want my BF to enforce his rights because I see his little girl slowly losing interest in visiting him or coming over to activities. Believe me, I try to put myself in the 6 year old's shoes. It must be very hard for her since she's never experienced her mom and dad as being a couple. They divorced when she was an infant. But I'm also starting to see how she manipulates my BF. I guess I've grown tired of understanding her and putting up with her disrespect. BF has slowly started to see what I was talking about since I've decided to just disengage myself when she comes over, because he has to deal with her behaviors and I have no authority. He's always frustrated when she tantrums. (BTW we had her yesterday, we picked her up from school and took her to dinner).

I love my BF and we've overcome so many obstacles in order to be together. I'm not going to lose to a 6 year old. I've told him this already. I'm not going to let her do what she wants and if I can't put up with it, I will leave you. But I've also mentioned that if he can't discipline her now, he will never be able to. If I were to ever leave, the next GF may not be as understanding, and/or any other woman he decides to become involved in will see the same thing and may not tolerate his daughter trying to run the show.

But thanks you all. I have much to think about.