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OT-anyone watch PRINCESS? I watched this weekend and thought of many here

herewegoagain's picture

Have you heard of this show? I had never heard of it. It was rather funny. It reminded me of a bunch of idiots that live close to me...sigh...Anyway, it also reminded me of a bunch of stepkids here...maybe you can call this show or have your DH watch might make them realize what idiots they are being when they spoil these "adult kids".


Siferra's picture

I'm at work so youtube is blocked - is that the show where that financial lady slaps entitled girls with what real life costs? That show is hilarious!

It's so true - the problem isn't their financial prowess, the problem is that they actually believe the world owes them a living. Unreal!

lac925's picture

OMG I LOVE this show! I watch it whenever it comes on and it never ceases to amaze me how many spoiled people there are out there! FH's BM should really get on that show! She spends money she doesn't have, then expects everyone else to pay her way! I always tell FH (when he gets to watch with me) that they should do a segment for single mothers who spend like they have all the money in the world, meanwhile their kids are starving and wearing tattered clothes that don't fit!