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OT-anyone know how we can legally find out if skid is receiving welfare in Texas?

herewegoagain's picture

I think there might be someone here who deals with welfare, etc...If anyone can tell us how we can find out, please post the info or send me a message. thanks.

PS - we would NOT be checking if BM is receiving welfare, but rather if SKID alone is receiving welfare.


SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Does the child get benefits from the state or does the state give the custodial parent benefits on behalf of the child? I don't know if any state agency would disclose any sort of information like that as the CP's info cannot be disclosed...I would think that if the state was paying welfare benefits for the child the NCP would be notified by the state seeking reimbursement.

I know my husband's ex used my SSs information for housing assistance and the state did contact him and said they were going to open a support case against him. Didn' get too far seeing that he was the custodial parent and we lived in a totally different state with the kids.

herewegoagain's picture

No, actually, this is a case of we don't think the skid is truly living at home...she now has 2 kids and is one point we found a different address for her than the one we have for her mother on her school records...nobody can tell us where that address came from. Actually, it showed this address for DH...The school tried to figure out who gave them that address, but nothing. We are almost 99% certain skid is NOT living with BM, thus we think that the address is for skid and her new boyfriend and two kids...and that because she doesn't have the same address as BM, she is getting welfare for her and HER kids...remember that DH pays to CP, but the skid we think might have given false info to the state to get welfare for herself and her kids...This would prove that she is indeed not being supported by BM, although DH does give idiot BM CS through the courts.

BM has a total now of 4 kids, including skid...who now has 2 kids of her own. Plus the SF. That is a total of 7 people. The house that CS has on file is a two bedroom house...I very highly doubt that loser skid is actually living there and BM and her husband have been busted before for financial fraud.

We worry that loser skid is actually lying about where she lives to US, so that BM still gets CS ...and then, that way she also gets welfare...because welfare doesn't really know that her parents are divorced...

We need all the proof we can get that this idiot is living on her own, with her baby and two new welfare recipients so that we can stop paying CS to her mother.

stepintexas's picture

I just sent you a PM, but the address thing is hard to prove, we tried to on DH's kids, almost the same situation as yours.

Dh's daughter went to live with BM, a year later his son also, but by this time, the daughter was living with her boyfriends parents, then her adult brother, then couch surfing at friends- age 16. When BM got the son, she promptly went and filed CS for both kids, even though the daughter was not living with her. She was still in school, we had proof that she was not living with BM, but that didn't matter to the court. But that was because she was too young to drop and the court figured that BM would use that money to benefit the kid, yeah right!

Like I said before, I would call and ask the AG if they sent that letter out to the custodial as she is about to turn 18. They have to send that out, so they can determine whether to continue CS or it drops.