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OT- Hate My Job

hereiam's picture

To make it short, the company I have worked for for 23 years has changed ownership.

I hate it. I hate everything about it. The new owners (arrogant control freaks), the commute, the additional crap I have to do, the new protocols (that are inefficient and make no sense), the dress code, everything. I've never loved the industry I'm in, I just liked my previous owner and the people I worked with. I was good at my job and efficient at it. Not to mention, everything we were told when we were offered jobs with the new company, were lies (they wanted us on board because they needed us).

My DH says that "my season is up". I agree but I'm stubborn. I told myself I would give it until winter, then quit. But these signs keep happening and I wonder if I'm being too stubborn. If I'm being driven by money. I have plenty of money in savings but I tell mysefl a couple more months worth would be better. But will I just keep pushing it out, being miserable in the meantime? When will it really end?

DH says I should just give them my 2 weeks and have faith, that it's time to move on.

I think about what I tell people who are in bad relationships. That as long as you are in the wrong relationship, you are not available to find the right one.

I don't usually advocate quitting a job, without another lined up, but we would really be fine. Sometimes, I feel like as long as I am just settling for the paycheck, I won't have a reason to push myself to do anything else.

I had a bad gut feeling about this from the beginning but hoped that I was overreacting and it wouldn't be that bad, so I went along with it, I didn't want to have any regrets. I felt I had to at least give it a chance. Usually, when I'm really dreading something, it turns out to be not as bad as I feared. Not this time and it really makes me wonder.

Part of me has even hoped I would just be fired so I wouldn't have to make the decision to walk away. How messed up is that?



SteppedOut's picture

Resign before termination. Do you feel that may happen? 

Have you started a job search? You don't have to resign before you begin your search? Start looking! That satisfies both needs: new job and continued nest building.

hereiam's picture

No, I don't really feel I'll be terminated. It just would be such an easy out! But, not ideal, I know.

I actually am thinking about taking some time off before looking for another job, which was why I was trying to hold out for another couple of months, but I'm not sure it's worth it.

JRI's picture

I once had a part-time job as a doctor's bookkeeper back in the day.  On Wednesdays, I'd do the books, pay bills, handle insurance, payroll, etc.  He would usually come in awhile.  He was under psychiatric care but it never affected me until the day when he accused me of all kinds of malfeasance.  I was stunned, it was all untrue, all a fabrication.  When I got home. I poured it all out to DH who said, "Quit".  I kept blubbering on, he said, "Quit".  But I have to go back and do xyz! "Quit". I stayed on 2 more months when I realized I couldn't work for somebody I didnt respect and quit.

My last job, 31 enjoyable years and 2 not-so-enjoyable, I got that same feeling.  I kept crunching my spreadsheet and as soon as I saw we'd be fine. I resigned.  Best thing ever, it's wonderful.

hereiam's picture

It's so hard to get past that fear that it won't be fine, but I know it will. I know there's something else for me and that I'm actually holding myself back, but there's something in me that just feels stupid for quitting a job just because I hate it (I mean, many people hate their jobs). I have only had 4 real jobs since I was 19 (I am 54), I am not one to just up and quit or job hop.

I don't respect the new bosses and I know that they don't like me. But, they need me, right now, which they've admitted. But, for how long? Many think that once they get to know our customers that we've brought on board, they will get rid of us.

There really are many reasons to leave, only one to stay.

And, I know I'm lucky to even have a job during this pandemic.

It's really causing me a lot of stress.


beebeel's picture

If they need you, then you are in a position to leverage them for changes. I would ask for a meeting, demand a raise for the added duties and express your frustration that is mounting and making your resignation inevitable. If they fire you? Good! You can be eligible for unemployment until you find another job.

Women don't often make these demands. We are more opt to work a job we hate tor quietly quit than march into the boss' office making demands. I tried it once and it blew my mind. My boss gave me everything I wanted. I still didnt like the job, but it made it much more tolerable until I found a new one (and I had a higher salary to negotiate with for the new job). 

StrawberryPie's picture

Heroism, I had a similar experience.  The company I worked for 17 years was bought out, and I couldn't get on board with some of the 'new changes'.  I had a bunch of money saved up and resigned.  Best decision.  Now I have a job that I love.  

But the only difference is the job market was much better when I left.  I have a friend who resigned in Nov (pre pandemic) and with the pandemic the job market really took a hit and he is still out of work. Even after for applying for over 250 positions.  

My advice is - mentally move on and start your job search while working. 

thinkthrice's picture

I absolutely loved my job for the first eight years.  Then they started making negative personnel changes.  At first, they got rid of two troublemakers which was good  but then the boss and Mrs. Headlights conspired to get rid of our admin assistant, an older lady who was extremely efficient and kept up the office morale. 

Soon after  they promoted Mrs. Headlights, who knows nothing about computers and was basically a password unlocker for the old AS400 system,  to computer technician.  They got rid of the AS400 and now Mrs. Headlights is doing (a very poor job of) the former admin assistant's job for a higher rate of pay that comes with the computer tech title.

The boss, Dr. Phil, is doing Mrs. Headlight's computer tech work for her.  Mrs. H remains the office wife to all three guys at the top. 


On top of it  I'm doing the work of the retired dude (much higher level work) , one of the trouble makers they let go and most of my old job duties with no pay increase to date.

I"m planning on retiring in less than five months now and they don't know it yet.

hereiam's picture

Thanks, guys. I've got some thinking to do and resume updating to do. I know that I will be fine, I know that there is something else that I'm supposed to do.