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I woke up to fighting

Gunner's picture

I took my wife to dinner last night with some friends. We had a great time and we got home around midnight. We sat outside and had a few drinks and got into bed around 2. At 7 am her daughter's were screaming and fighting with each other. My wife got up to handle it 3 different times before they were sent to their rooms. By then I couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and made some coffee, cooked breakfast and watched some tv. Ysd is being a total pain in the a$$ today and annoying everyone. She keep a getting in my face and saying Happy Fathers Day slowly. If she were older I'd have her tested for drugs but at 11 I don't think it is. No need for advice im just venting.


CANYOUHELP's picture

Do not like the kid get in your face at this age; it gets no better and you cannot imagine the kind of adult she is likely to become, given any acceptance of this rude behavior.

Livingoutloud's picture

I think its irresponsible to be drinking till 2am and be so hungover next day that can't care for the children. Just my opinion.

BethAnne's picture
