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gtrmom's Blog

Thanks & a little bit of explanation!!!

gtrmom's picture

Ok, so first I want to say thank you to all who welcomed me. I think that I may have come across as too harsh with my first post... as I thought that this was a way to VENT and not to be attacked but I may have been wrong. Anyway, I do care for my SD and I do EVERYTHING for her. About the ice cream, which I think most people couldn't get past, it wasn't that she reminded me it was the attitude that accompanied the reminder. I am the first to say that if we promised the children something, then we should go thru with it, good or bad, but it was the attitude with each reminder.

Is it me??

gtrmom's picture

I am new here and I already love this place. I have always felt alone when it came to venting about my stepchild. My husband got her mother pregnant while on a drunken escapade in the military and now we, meaning I, have to deal with it... I mean her. I have know my stepdaughter since she was 2 and I am the only stepmother she has ever know, I have had friends whose kids have met every fling bio dad brings home. My husband, for a VERY long time, did not want anything to do with his daughter. Her stepdad and his family accepted her as a one of their own from the very beginning.
