BM is getting close to falling off her rocker!!!!
This woman is a flippin nut job!!!!
I just wanted to post an example of what exactly were dealing with, opinions are greatly appreciated, lol!
So 3rd husband whom BM divorced last year is also filing for custody of their son who is 6. BM and 3rd hubby had a nasty breakup, got back together for a few months then totally split last summer.
BM has been totally vindictive to 3rd hubby. She filed an order of protection (OP) against him, and has been trying to get him thrown in jail ever since.
She filed a violation of the OP back in May, BM & 3rd hubby originally went to court over it on 5/25. Did you know she actually brought their 6 yr old son to court to have him serve witness against his own father for the violation!!!! What a crack ho. But anyhow, that did not work because due to their parenting agreement 3rd hubby gets their son at 1pm on the day that they were in court. So 3rd hubby went with his attorney and a police officer to obtain their son. While 3rd hubby was over there, and in front of two witnesses, BM told 3rd hubby that she was planning to use kid6 to testify against him and that she will not stop until he is in jail! He got him which foiled her plans to have him testify. After that she went and filed another violation.
They got in front of the judge and the judge asked BM what the problem was, she rattled off at the mouth and he stated that to solve this problem he is going to have the OP rewritten to be more specific. BM didn't like it and refused to sign it. Pissing the judge off and the DA! The DA told 3rd hubby's attorney that BM is stupid and does not listen!
The date got reset to 6/9.
3rd hubby and BM went to court yesterday. 3rd hubby found out that BM has filed a total of 4 violations against him on the OP. They are (in her own hand writing)
1. 3rd hubby texted me on Easter to speak to kid6
2. 3rd hubby approached kid6 in my presense at the ballpark
3. 3rd hubby approached kid6 while in my vechicle with me on "date" to discuss drop off arrangements
4. I was driving down "road X" and there was a white van behind me.
Ok, so on #4 3rd hubby has two white vans, one for personal use and his work van. His work van is 1 of 80 in the area! I guess 3rd hubby is the only one in this town of hundreds of thousands of ppl that drive a white van???
So 3rd hubbys attorney got it set out to 7/7 and they are going to address all 4 violations in one sweep...hopefully showing how absolutely crazy she is!
To clarify also...the OP states that 3rd hubby may speak/approach BM via phone, text, email, at school or at extra cirricular activities as long as it is pertaining to kid6! Which is exactly what he did. Oy!
- gstaff92481's blog
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What an ass, i feel worse for
What an ass, i feel worse for the kid6, than the exh...
That's scary. I wonder how
That's scary. I wonder how she convinces these men that it's a good idea to get involved with her in the first place. Does she hide her crazy up front? Has she gotten crazier since she and your DH split? Sheesh!
Yeah, this woman is bonifide
Yeah, this woman is bonifide nuts. BM and my DH (her 1st husband) split back in 1999. She is now on her 4th husband.
Talking to 3rd hubby (we are all working together to get the kids away from her crazy) he said at first every thing was great, she put on the good mother role, cooked, cleaned, was the "perfect" mother and wife...then after kid6 was born it all went down hill from there!
2nd hubby was married about 6 months after BM & DH's divorce was final and that lasted about 4 months.
4th hubby (currently married) was a man she dated prior to 3rd hubby, he cheated they broke up. They met up again in Jan and were married in March!
She is all of 33 yrs old and has been married 4 times!
Oh I feel so very, very sorry for kid6 because he right in the middle of all of this. BM tells kid6 when things go wrong it is 3rd hubby's fault just like she told SS15 & SD12 that DH is the reason they can't go on vacation since the court date falls in the middle of when they were planning to go. Ugh, arent you the c&&& that had the date set out in the first place...yup.