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Christmas Dinner sh1t storm

grace8205's picture

I hosted Christmas Dinner for Dh's family, I had 14 ppl here. Most years I host and it goes well. My bio son and me worked all day trying to make sure everything was perfect. The 26-pound turkey turned out great. 

Skid was in and out of the house all day. Of course, never offered to help, didn't even clean his room or his bathroom like he is supposed to. DH attended to that. Skid was pouty all day, I even asked DH what is up with him, DH said he did not notice. I just ignored it and continued working with my son in the kitchen.

Skid returned later with his GF in tow. At least she is always pleasant to DH and I. I sometimes do not know why she is with skid. They went down to the basement to skid’s room to watch Netflix as usual.

Company starts arriving. DH requested that skid and GF come up to be social. Skid said they would in a minute. DH checks on them 20 minutes later and they are both in the basement bathroom together. He texts skid and told him to come up and eat. DH got a reply back that the GF wasn’t feeling good.

Skid and GF made their way upstairs to eat eventually. The dinning room table was full and they were going to eat at the kitchen island. GF was the only one sitting at the island when I asked her if she needed anything? Maybe a cup of tea?  Skid24 rudely says to me that “ You don’t have to f##king announce it to everyone that she doesn’t feel well”. To which I snapped back, I didn’t announce it to everyone but you seem to be doing a great job at that.” I left out the “you f##king prick” at the end of it.

Well he is even in a worse mood because I was not going to kiss his ass after him laying into me.

I left with a glass of wine to the garage I proceeded to have a cigarette because I was so pissed off. DH came out a minute later because for me to be smoking in the middle of Xmas dinner he knew I was pissed. He heard everything and begged me not to cause a scene. Which I told him I would not because of his other family like his mom, but I let him know that I am pissed right off and need to cool down before I could even put my game face on.

Came in went upstairs and did the check in for my son’s flight for tomorrow night. At least it was not a formal sit-down dinner so my absence was not noticed for the 10 minutes I was gone.

As I was coming down stairs, skid was at the front down which is open to the 2nd storey where I was saying to DH “Well hope you have a very Merry Christmas with you new f@cking family.  Will pack up my shit tomorrow and be gone. Hope you enjoy your wife.” Thank goodness no one else was a witness to that. Part of me wouldn’t care however my very sweet 87 yo MIL would be so upset, so I am glad that she did not hear anything.

So yes, my skid24 ruined Christmas.

I barely ate because I was too pissed off and I just wanted everyone to go so I can talk to DH and figure out WTF is going on.

DH has no idea of what it up skid’s ass. However, I told him I was pissed off. Bad move because apparently, I am not allow to have feeling in a situation like this. I stopped talking to DH cleaned up with kitchen myself and went on I hosted Christmas Dinner for Dh's family, I had 14 ppl here. Most years I host and it goes well. My bio son and me worked all day trying to make sure everything was perfect. The 26 pound turkey turned out great. 


Skid was in and out of the house all day. Of course never offered to help, didn't even clean his room or his bathroom like he is suppose to. DH attended to that. Skid was pouty all day, I even asked DH what is up with him, DH said he did not notice. my computer and ignored DH.

Later DH wanted to talk to me. I said we can’t talk. You can not be a husband in this situation and I need some to talk and vent to but when I tried earlier you got defensive and shut me down. Apparently, I am not allowed to pissed off according to you. Then he says it is the way I approached it earlier, I said “ I am really pissed off”  Which I told him that was me holding back because I wanted to say that “ I am really f@cking pissed off at you asshat of a kid and I never want him back in my house” And I continue to refuse to talk to DH about this until he can be a husband. See how holding back is.

DH walked away saying what a Merry effing Christmas it is. I just went to the main floor on my computer and started typing.

DH came down all sucky to me and asking me to go to bed. I told him once I am done typing I will, I left out the part that I am re-keying the front door lock before I go up to bed.

I hate skid!!!!



twoviewpoints's picture

It all sounds awful. I'm sorry the big baby-man ruined the day for you. 

Ungrateful brat is far too old to be living with his parent if this this going to be his behavior. I'd be thrilled to pieces he said he was moving out... but will he follow through on the threat? Frankly,I wouldn't give him any choice to change his mind. Out he goes.

If his GF wasn't feeling well he should not have gone to pick her up and bring her over. Terrible idea to bring a sick person over to a houseful of older people (well, people in general, not just older, but I highly doubt your MIL needs to catch whatever is ailing GF). 

You and your son out so much effort and work into the dinner. It' too bad your Dh didn't just pretend the overgrown anti-social lug was even there and left the SS in the basement. At least then you could have sat down and enjoyed all your company and meal. 

susanm's picture

$20 says the GF is pregnant.  That would explain the even more irritable attitude in general and him being so touchy about people knowing she was not feeling well along with his sudden willingness to move out.

tog redux's picture

OMG, he told YOU not to ruin Christmas? When his Precious TWENTY-FOUR-YEAR-OLD son was acting like he was 15 all day, and then snapped at you when you asked his sick GF if she wanted some tea?

My DH would have cornered SS and told him to act like a man or GTFO.  What a jerk your DH is. Yes, skid is a jerk, too, but DH enables his entitled behavior.

(BTW, you went on repeat in the middle of your blog).

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I'm sorry about all the strife your SS caused last night BUT,

he gave you a fantastic Christmas gift by saying he's moving out.

Hold him to it.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Merry Christmas to all of us SM's who stole our DH's from Their Rightful Families!

My middle-aged OSD called DH this morning, asked him who was coming to Christmas dinner (just a few of MY relatives who live nearby).  After DH spouted off the short list of names, I heard OSD say "And YOU?"  In other words, why are you not HERE with ME AND MY SPAWN Daddy, 12 hours away, even though you just saw us three weeks ago, with your REAL FAMILY????"  DH got off the phone, gave me a hug and said he was so happy to have a quiet Christmas.

Yeah, OSD, keep putting pressure on your father expecting his entire world should revolve around you.

OP, your DH will likely admit his kid was out of line, but he was out of line for expecting you to be Mrs. Doormat just because he likes being Mr. Doormat.

DPW's picture

Again, I can't even.... wtf is up with your SS? I agree with the above poster and say to hold him to moving out! Best gift EVER!

hereiam's picture

I would definitely hold him to the fire about moving out. If he is going to be an ungrateful ass, he does not get the privalege of staying in your home.

I'm sorry that he ruined your holiday but if some good comes out of it....

Thumper's picture

Take a cruise next year. There comes a point in your life when you wake UP and say "no one will disrespect me in my home, ever again".

It is the most freeing experience ever.